MH-CET MBA 2020 Analysis

MH-CET for MBA/MMS Institutes in Maharashtra was on 14th and 15th March 2020. There were two slots a day, in 36 centres inside Maharashtra and 13 centres outside. IBPS, the body designing Test for DTE, maintained the Test’s uniformity in terms of level of difficulty & format even this year, with the section questions split the same as in 2019. The result will be declared on 31st March 2020 with CAP rounds scheduled in the month of May. Most students found the test lengthy and moderate to difficult. It was a paper, in which a score of 125 to 130 marks should fetch 99+ percentile. The test pattern:
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Logical Reasoning
Verbal ability & Reading comprehension
Quantitative Aptitude
Abstract Reasoning
Each question carried 1 mark, with no negative marking for the incorrect responses. The time allotted was two and a half Hours. The Test was well designed; we did not get any reports from students about operational glitches. The Level of difficulty in all the four slots was almost the same. Here are our observations on the four sections of CET-2020.
Quantitative Aptitude:
This section was dominated by DI (Data interpretation) and arithmetic questions. there were around 20-22 DI question and 12 arithmetic questions. In DI , the questions were based on case lets, Tables , Pie chart etc. and were moderate in nature. Good approximation and calculation skills were required to solve the questions in time. in arithmetic question were based on conventional topics like Percentage ,profit and loss, TSD, Ratios and Numbers etc. Arithmetic section was bit consuming. 4 questions based on DS were moderate in nature. Of remaining question which  were on Geometry, Algebra and Modern math ,apart from few which were difficult, rest were of moderate difficulty level. Over all the feel  of the section was moderate to difficult and an attempt of 35-38 is a good .
Logical Reasoning:
As usual, there was a variety of questions in this section . To start with , the most dominant part was again AR blocks(about 30 questions) which had blocks based on almost all convention types viz. family tree, statements, letter arrangements etc. A few of the  blocks had single question while rest had multiple.  Next if we talk about verbal reasoning ,questions were there on arguments, assumptions, inference, syllogism etc.  These questions were easy in nature except syllogism questions which were  a bit time consuming. A total of about 23 questions were there in this part. Remaining questions were there on coding, direction , reasoning based Data sufficiency etc. which were moderate in nature. Overall feel of the section was moderate but time consuming  and an attempt of 44-46 is a good .
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension:
The passages this time  were short &  easy to  moderate in terms of difficulty level .  There were 11-12 questions based on reading comprehensions.There were more factual questions than inferential questions. There were  surprises in this section. One of them was presence of finding odd one out questions.  The section this time had questions based on part-error, contextual vocabulary, usage , para completion and sentence rearrangement questions. There were couple of questions based on direct vocabulary also. A few question were based on sentence formation were quite tricky. Overall grammar part error questions were tricky as questions were based on conventional areas such as direct-indirect speech, active –passive voice , & subject –predicate etc . Verbal section this time was dominated by vocabulary, & reading comprehensions sentence rearrangent & sentence formation resspectively. In nutshell this section was manageable.  An attempt of 33+ with 75-80 % accuracy would have been considered good.
Abstract Reasoning:
This section was similar to last year in terms of difficulty level as well as types of questions. The questions were based on series continuation , analogy etc and were doable. A few questions on puzzles tricky were in nature and required unorthodox approach. Overall feel of the section was moderate and an attempt of 18-20 is a good
The message from CET 2020 was clear: What is expected is not a volcano of ideas, but consistent practice!
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