MAH CET result is generally declared within a month of the exam. Here, we have provided the link to help you access the MBA CET result 2024, along with the related important information.
MAH-CET 2024
MAH-CET is a State-level MBA entrance exam for admissions into B-Schools in Maharashtra. The State Common Entrance Test Cell, DTE (Directorate of Technical Education) Maharashtra conducts this test for admissions in MBA/MMS programs offered by different universities and affiliated colleges of Maharashtra. Students from across the country are eligible to take the test. The exam is conducted in computer-based mode at various centres across the country and consists of 200 multiple-choice questions to be solved in 150 minutes.
MAH CET 2024 will be tentatively held in March .
MAH-CET Result 2024
Follow the given steps to access your MBA CET Result
1: Click on the ‘MAH MBA CET Result’ button below
2: Then, go to the MBA/MMS-CET 2024 section
3: Next, click on the MAH-CET 2024 result tab
4: Enter your registration number and date of birth and click 'Submit'
5: The result containing your CET score and CET percentile will be displayed
6: Click on download and save your MAH-CET scorecard.
Note that the MAH-CET website tends to crash regularly post the declaration of the result. So candidates should be prepared to endure the same. They stand a better chance of opening the result if they try to log in on a laptop or desktop instead of their smartphones.
Details on MAH CET Scorecard 2024
The following information will be present on your MAH MBA CET scorecard:
- MAH CET score (overall)
- MAH CET percentile (overall)
- All India Rank
- Candidate's Name, Roll Number/ registration number, and similar info.
How is MAH CET Score Calculated?
In MAH CET, you will receive one mark for every question you answer correctly, and there is no penalty for any questions you answer incorrectly or leave blank.
Since MAH CET is held in 2-3 sessions, the difficulty levels of the question papers have slight variations. Hence, the scores of the test-takers are normalised to ensure that the performance is equated fairly. It is important to note that the scores shown on the MAH MBA CET scorecard are not the raw ones, but rather the equivalent values. Further, the corresponding percentile is estimated using Equipercentile Method.
What after MAH CET Result?
Keep the following things in mind, while participating in the further admission process of MAH-CET accepting institutes:
- Once the MBA CET result is out, CAP (Common Admission Process) commences for the final admission to various management programs. In the Common Admission Process, colleges are allotted percentile-wise, and a few cut-off lists are released one after the other.
- As the candidate’s name appears in a college in the first cut-off list, they can either book their seat or forego and wait, and follow the same procedure for the second cut-off list.
- Note that an aspirant is not eligible for the next cut-off list once they book their slot in a particular college. Nor can they go back to the college in an older list once they have forgone it and chosen to wait for the next list.
- Candidates have to book a seat on the last cut-off list unless they want to forego admission altogether.
- 85% of the seats in the government-run and aided MBA/MMS institutes in the State and 65% of seats in private unaided and minority-reserved institutes are filled through CET. 15% of the seat quota is filled through the All India merit. Apart from MAH-CET, all India seats are filled through the scores of some other exams like CAT, XAT, MAT, and ATMA.
- There is no Group Discussion or Personal Interview round in CAP. It is essentially a counseling round.
- Kindly note that the only institute which conducts the Group Discussion and Personal Interview round is Jamna Lal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai. It is one of the top-ranked institutes under MAH-CET. Their selection process includes WAT( Written ability test), Group Discussion, and Personal Interview.

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