MAH-CET Exam Pattern 2025

MAH CET paper pattern is similar to other MBA entrance tests. However, compared to the national-level examinations like CAT, XAT and IIFT, the level of questions in MAH-CET is only moderately difficult. To maximize your scores in the exam, it is essential to understand its structure and develop a concrete strategy accordingly.
So, here we have given the complete MBA CET paper pattern along with its marking scheme.
MAH CET 2025
Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MAH-CET) is a standardized national-level examination conducted for admission into various management colleges across the State. More than 300 B-schools utilize MAH-CET scores for their MBA/MMS programmes. Some of the top colleges that accept MAH-CET score include JBIMS, SIMSREE, K.J Somaiya, Welingkar and PUMBA. From 2021, it used to be held in the month of August but from 2023 onwards it is again shifted back to March.
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MAH-CET Exam Pattern 2025: Overview
MAH-CET is an objective test, based on four major areas, which evaluate the general aptitude skills of the candidates. The following table shows the key features of the MBA CET exam pattern:
Total no. of questions
Total Duration
150 Minutes
Sectional Time Limit
Type of Questions
Areas of Testing
Logical + Critical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Abstract Reasoning
Answer Choices/ Question
Marking Scheme
+1 for each correct answer; No negative marking
Intersection/Intrasectional Navigation
With 100 questions to be solved in 150 minutes and no sections defined, careful time management is needed for scoring well in MAH-CET. Unlike other national examinations, no negative marking in MAH-CET is a great thing for the candidates.
MAH-CET Exam Pattern 2025: Sectional Details
Now, let us have a look at the average distribution of questions in MBA CET exam pattern:
No. of Questions
Logical Reasoning
Abstract Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability & RC
Things to Know about MAH-CET Exam Pattern
Listed below are some of the essential points to note about MBA CET paper pattern:
  • MAH-CET is likely to be held in three slots (days).
  • While the total number of questions in MAH-CET remains 100, different slots generally feature a different number of questions from each section.
  • Since the last few years, questions from different sections have appeared in a random order.
  • Different slots of MAH-CET have slightly different difficulty level in terms of sections, but the final scores are normalised in a way to bring equivalence among them.
With no sectional time limits, it is upon the test-taker to pay justified attention to each area and prepare them properly. It is difficult to score good, if you attempt more of 1-2 sections and ignore the rest. So, once you are aware of MAH-CET paper pattern, thorough preparation of all the important topics is essential for you to score well. You should also refer to previous year papers to get acquainted with the exam pattern in a more efficient manner.
FAQs about MAH-CET Exam Pattern
1. Is MAH CET exam tough?
MAH CET is moderate in difficulty level. If you have prepared for tougher exams like CAT, XAT, etc., MAH-CET will be easy to tackle.
2. How do I start preparing CET?
You should ideally start by brushing up the basics of all sections, before delving into the deeper knowledge and practice of the same.
3. How can I crack CET in 2 months?
With a focussed effort and proper study schedule, you can prepare for MBA CET within two months, with first month dedicated to strengthening the sections, and the second month acing the overall test with rigorous practice.
4. Is MAH CET worth?
Definately. MAH CET gives you an extra advantage if you are a State candidate. Besides, it is the gateway to several reputed B-schools. So, it is worth the try!
5. Will there be CET in 2025?
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