TISSNET 2022 Analysis

In-depth analysis of the 2022 TISSNET by the best industry experts
Admission to masters programs at TISS is comprises of two stages,
1. TISS National Entrance Test (TISS-NET)
2. TISS Online Assessments (OA).
Stage 1
TISS-NET (TISS National Entrance Test)
TISS-NET is a computer based common screening test for all Masters Programs across all the campuses. It is a 100mins test and consists of 100 objective types multiple choice questions (MCQ). TISS-NET is conducted to shortlist candidates for Stage 2 based on the TISS NET Mark and the ratio on the number of seats announced for individual programs under each category. Hence it is a short listing process no reservation rules are applied at this stage. All rules related to reservations of seats under different categories and priorities will be applied only at the time of final seat allocation through merit list / wait list.
Short listing for Stage 2 will be done on the basis of the candidates’ aggregate TISS NET Score. The same ratio will be applied to the number of seats under each Category thereby having candidates from every category getting shortlisted for stage 2 in proportionate numbers.
Analysis TISS-NET (TISS National Entrance Test)
As per as the official notification of this year there was no surprising element as expected rather the paper pattern was exactly as advertised on the official website. The test was divided into 3 sections: General Awareness, Mathematics and Logical reasoning and English Proficiency. There were 100 questions of 100 marks with no negative marking. The GK section of TISSNET 2022 continued to be a slightly tricky section of the paper. The English Proficiency section was easy to moderate, with 8 FIB questions (based on grammar& vocabulary). The Mathematics & Logical Reasoning section was easy, and was undoubtedly the most-scoring section of the paper. Barring a few questions from DI, the remaining part of the section was very easy.
Let's take a look at the exam pattern, before going through the in-depth analysis of TISSNET 2022.
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Exam Pattern
The sectional division of the test is given in the following table:
No. of Questions
Total Marks
English Proficiency
Mathematics and Logical reasoning
General Awareness
Expected cut off
The expected cut off for MA HR and ODCL this year should be in 66-68 for general candidates.
Note – As given in the official website, there will be sectional cut off in General Awareness section. General, EWS, KM, AF candidates must have at least 14 marks, and OBC, PWD should have at least 12 in order to be considered for further evaluation. There is no sectional cut off for SC, ST candidates.
Now that the test is done, it's time to analyze each section of TISSNET 2022 in detail:
English Proficiency:
The overview of this section is given as:
No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension
Spotting the error
Para jumbles
Fill in the Blanks
8(4 vocab+ 4 grammar)
Logical & Critical   reasoning
Odd one out
Evaluation: The level of difficulty of this section was easy to slightly moderate and there was hardly any surprising element. This section was dominated by Fill in the blanks both grammar and vocab based (doable). The main areas covered were: RCs, sentence completion, Error spotting, antonyms, Synonyms, & Para Jumbles. The RCs were easy to moderate in terms of understanding. One of the RC was on Chinese wrestling (very easy) and another one was on Aviation sector (post covid). Although, one or two questions had tricky options, the candidates managed to attempt the questions well. Para jumbling was time consuming. Logical & Critical reasoning questions were also conventional and manageable. An attempt of 20-22 questions could be considered good in order to score well.
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Mathematics and Logical reasoning:
The overview of this section is given below:
No. of Questions
Permutation and probability
Geometry and mensuration
Number system
Data interpretation
Series(Numeric and Letter)
Evaluation: This section was easy to moderate in terms of difficulty level. The section was dominated by Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation questions. The Data Interpretation questions were on tabular data and pie chart and were bit calculative. There were only two questions from logical reasoning that too were of Series. The ideal time allocation for this section would be 30-35 minutes. An attempt of at least 22-24 questions would be considered well this time.
Flame PG
General Awareness:
Evaluation: General Awareness comprised questions from both static and current GK with the maximum number of questions from current GK. Almost all the areas like Science, Geography, Sports, Economics, Polity, Current Affairs, Art and Culture etc. were covered. There were around 8-10 question on government schemes The current affairs questions were of easy to moderate level of difficulty whereas the questions from static GK were a little difficult to attempt. A good score in this section could be 23-25
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