TISS 2010: Analysis & Expected Cut-offs

Analysis: TISS 2010
TISS 2010 had 2 papers. The first test is common for all 16 PG courses of TISS which tests the basic cognitive ability. The second one is different for each course and the one for the HRM program is same as any other management entrance test. Pattern of the paper was same as that of 2009. Part 1 was easy and Part 2 was a bit tough. Overall the level of difficulty of the test was easy to moderate and it was very easy to attempt all the questions in the given time.
Overview of the TISS Paper
Time allotted Part 1: 45 Minutes Part 2 (HRM): 60 Minutes
Total no. of questions Part 1: 50
Part 2 (HRM): 75
Marking Scheme Not mentioned
Sections No distinct sections
Number of choices 4 or 5
Negative Marking Part 1: No Negative Part 2 (HRM): 1/4th per question
Expected cut-offs* A score of 80% was appropriate to clear the cut off
Section Description No. of Question Difficulty Level / remarks
A Analytical & Numerical Ability 15 Easy-Moderate
B Language Ability 20 Easy - Moderate
C General Awareness 15 Easy
Overall   50 Easy-Moderate
Analytical & Numerical Ability: The section was very easy and was based on visual reasoning, average, a simple case of pie chart with 5 questions, a question of geometry, understanding of number system, and work and time. The level of questions was extremely easy.
Language Ability: The section tested the basics in grammar, usage of English and vocabulary and fill in the blanks. A very short passage, followed by easy-moderate questions. A couple of questions could be answered even without reading the passage as they are straight vocabulary questions. One could easily have solved 14-16 questions
General Awareness: This section had questions general topics and current affairs. This section was very easy to solve. One could easily have solved 12-13 questions.
Section Area Tested No. of Question Difficulty Level / remarks
A Data Interpretation 20 Moderate-Difficult
B Data Sufficiency 20 Easy - Moderate
C Reading Comprehension 20 Moderate-Difficult
D Business knowledge & Foundation of Management 15 Moderate-Difficult
Overall   75 Moderate-Difficult
Data Interpretation: There were a total of 4 sets on Data Interpretation, which required intense calculations. But it was easier than the previous year. The appropriate strategy was to try and attempt 12-13 questions in this section with greater accuracy to maximize scores.
Data Sufficiency: This section had questions that were very easily solvable. A good number of attempts in this Section would be about 13-14 again with more focus on accuracy.
Reading Comprehension: This section had 3 long passages that were difficult but the questions were direct. A student who had read the passage carefully could have answered most of the questions. One could have attempted 10-12 questions in this section.
Business Knowledge & Foundation of Management: This section tests the deepest reserves of student knowledge of general issues. Only those with a thorough reading habit which helps them get through details well could have done well in this section. One could have attempted 12-14 questions in 10 minutes.
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