TISSNET Previous Year Papers

TISS previous year question papers serve as an excellent source of TISSNET preparation. These provide an actual overview of the exam structure, sections, and difficultly level. So, here we have given you access to the TISSNET question papers of past years.
“The past will be your teacher if you learn from it." ~Steve Maraboli
Tata Institute of Social Sciences National Entrance Test, popularly known as TISSNET, is generally conducted by TISS in the month of February. The TISS HRM postgraduate program is amongst the most sought-after in global industry today. When compared to the other national-level examinations for management programs such as CAT and XAT, the level of TISSNET can be considered as easy to moderate. Hence, it is suggested by industry experts that out of 100 questions asked, 80+ is a desirable attempt.
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TISSNET Exam Pattern 2024
TISSNET is a 100-minute test, composed of 100 multiple-choice questions. It is designed to evaluate the aptitude of the candidates and their time management skills. Every question carries equal weightage, and there is no negative marking. So, you can effectively manage the exam, if you have prepared and practised well. But before that, you must be aware of its exam structure. The following table shows the complete exam pattern of TISSNET 2024:
No. of Questions
Total Marks
General Awareness
Mathematics & Logical Reasoning
English Proficiency
TISS Previous Year Question Paper
The actual test papers of TISSNET gives an overview of the level of difficulty and types of questions asked. Solving these papers will also give you a clear perspective of your areas of strengths and weaknesses. Click the following link to access the TISS previous year question paper:
Download TISSNET Question Paper
Advantages of Practicing TISSNET Previous Year Papers

A brief glance at the benefits of solving previous year papers:

  • It helps to gauge the actual performance and to work upon the weak areas.
  • The pattern of the exam is clearly identifiable by solving previous year papers. It familiarizes you with all the sections and exam pattern.
  • You get in-depth knowledge and insights about different topics and the level of difficulty of various sections.
  • One of the best advantages of solving the previous year papers is time management. Time management is the most crucial step while taking the exam as it can make or break your chances of getting admission to your dream college.
  • Another benefit of solving previous year papers is that you will develop familiarity with the exam and the paper pattern. This will help you to ease the preparation.
  • You can clearly identify your strong and weak areas and strategize your preparation accordingly.
TISSNET Previous Year Papers - Analysis
The exam structure of TISSNET has more or less remained the same over the years, with the highest weightage assigned to the GK section. It is important to note that TISS specified a 35% qualifying cut-off for the GK section. Generally, the overall cut-off varies from programme to programme, with the cut-off as low as 50 for some, and as high as 77 for some others.
As for the different sections, General Awareness focuses on static and current GK, with the latter dominating the section. English Proficiency has maximum questions from Reading Comprehension passages, followed by fill-in-the-blanks based on vocabulary and grammar. Mathematics & Logical reasoning places heavy emphasis on arithmetic-based questions, and the second-most important area is data interpretation.
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1. Is 2 months enough for TISSNET exam?
Yes, two months are sufficient to prepare for TISSNET, if you work with a well-organized plan and stick to it with complete focus.
2. Is TISS paper easy?
TISSNET exam is moderate in difficulty level, with some questions being quite direct and some others being a little tricky.
3. Is TISSNET and CAT syllabus the same?
Both TISSNET and CAT require the knowledge of mathematics, reasoning, data interpretation and English language concepts. However, general awareness is an additional part in TISSNET.
4. How many students write TISSNET?
Around 30000-40000 candidates appear for TISSNET every year.
5. Is work experience necessary for TISS?
A few programmes of TISS do require work experience of 2-3 years, while others do not require any.
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