TISSNET 2016 Analysis

The online test TISSNET was conducted successfully across 39 centers in India on January 9, 2016. TISSNET is the prerequisite for the admission to the M.A. Human Resource Management which is the flagship course at TISS Mumbai. TISS offers various other programs in the specialized areas of Social Work, Social Entrepreneurship, Healthcare, Human Resources Management and Labor Relations, Globalization and Labor, etc.
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The computer based test was divided into 3 sections: General Awareness, Analytical and Logical Reasoning and English Proficiency. There were 100 questions of 100 marks with no negative marking. Let’s take a look at the exam pattern, before going through the in-depth analysis of TISSNET 2016.
Exam Pattern
The sectional division of the test is given in the following table:
Sections No. of Questions Total Marks
General Knowledge 40 Marks 40
Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning 30 30
English Proficiency 30 30
Total 100 100
The candidates were given a total time of 100 minutes with no sectional time limit. This proved to be an advantage for the candidates as they could easily switch across the sections within the given time period.
Now that the test is done, it's time to analyze each section of TISSNET 2016 in detail:
General Awareness:
Overview of the section is given below:
Area No. of Questions
Current Affairs 8
Polity 6
Economics 8
Geography 5
Science 4
Sports 2
Art and Culture 3
Books, Authors, Persons 4
Total 40
Evaluation: General Awareness comprised questions from both static and current GK with the maximum number of questions from current GK. Almost all the areas like Science, Geography, Sports, Economics, Polity, Current Affairs, etc. were covered. The current affairs questions were of moderate level of difficulty whereas the questions from static GK were more difficult to attempt. A good score in this section could be 21-23.
Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning:
The overview of this section is given below:
Area No. of Questions
Logarithm 1
Percentages 1
Ratio and Proportion 1
Simple and Quadratic Equation 1
Odd one out 3
Time and work 1
Profit/ Loss 1
Mensuration 1
Networks 2
Averages 1
Indices 1
Numbers 3
Directions 1
Syllogisms 1
Data Interpretation 8
Arrangement 1
Clocks and Calendars 1
Total 30
Evaluation: This section was fairly easy in terms of the level of difficulty. A total of 30 questions covered every part i.e. Logical reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation. For some candidates there were 7 questions on Logical Reasoning, 12 questions on Quantitative Aptitude and 11 questions on Data Interpretation, whereas some students got 15 questions in Logical Reasoning, 8 questions in Quantitative Aptitude and 7 questions in Data Interpretation.
The ideal time allocation for this section would be 40-45 min. An attempt of atleast 18-20 questions would be considered good as the section was fairly easy.
One such classification of questions in QA- LR- DI is given in the above mentioned table.
Flame PG
English Proficiency:
The overview of this section is given as:
Area No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension 5
Sentence Correction 4
Odd man out 3
One word substitutes 2
Idioms 3
Antonyms 1
Fill in the Blanks 10
Analogy( Similar pair of words) 2
Total 30
Evaluation: The level of difficulty of this section was easy to moderate. A total of 10 questions were from fill in the blanks. Other areas covered were: RCs, Sentence Correction, Odd Man Out, Antonyms, Analogy, etc. No question was witnessed from Para Jumbles this year. Although, one or two questions had tricky options, yet the candidates managed to attempt the questions well. An attempt of 25-27 questions could be considered good in order to score well.
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