TISSNET 2020 Analysis

The online test TISSNET was conducted successfully on January 04, 2020. TISSNET is the prerequisite for the admission to the M.A. Human Resource Management which is the flagship course at TISS Mumbai. TISS offers various other programs in the specialized areas of Social Work, Social Entrepreneurship, Healthcare, Human Resources Management and Labor Relations, Globalization and Labor, etc. This year TISS-MAT has also been introduced to get admission in MA (HRM & LR) or MA (ODCL) offered at the Mumbai Campus.
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The computer based test was divided into 3 sections: General Awareness, Analytical and Logical Reasoning and English Proficiency. There were 100 questions of 100 marks with no negative marking. Let's take a look at the exam pattern, before going through the in-depth analysis of TISSNET 2020.
Exam Pattern
The sectional division of the test is given in the following table:
Sections No. of Questions Total Marks
English Proficiency 30 30
Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning 30 30
General Awareness 40 40
Total 100 100
The candidates were given a total time of 100 minutes with no sectional time limit. This proved to be an advantage for the candidates as they could easily switch across the sections within the given time period.
Now that the test is done, it's time to analyze each section of TISSNET 2020 in detail:
Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning:
The overview of this section is given below:
Area No. of Questions
Basic Algebra 4
Ratio and Proportion 2
Reasoning Misc. 3
S.I / C.I 1
Cube cutting 1
Mensuration 5
Probability 2
Numbers 3
Reasoning Misc. 3
Log 1
Data Interpretation 7
Total 30
Evaluation: This section was easy to moderate in terms of the level of difficulty. A total of 30 questions covered every part i.e. Logical reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation. Most of the questions were formula based except some questions on Logical reasoning, which were quite tricky. The Data Interpretation section was calculation intensive. The ideal time allocation for this section would be 30-35 minutes. An attempt of at least 26-29 questions would be considered good.
English Proficiency:
The overview of this section is given as:
Area No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension 10
Spotting the error 3
Synonyms 3
Para jumbles 2
Antonyms 2
Fill in the Blanks 7
Logical reasoning 2
summary 1
Total 30
Evaluation: The level of difficulty of this section was easy to moderate. The main areas covered were: RCs, sentence completion, Error spotting, antonyms, Synonyms, & Para Jumbles.However the surprise element was presence of two logical questions in this section. Although, one or two questions had tricky options, the candidates managed to attempt the questions well. An attempt of 24-27 questions could be considered good in order to score well.
Flame PG
General Awareness:
Evaluation: General Awareness comprised questions from both static and current GK with the maximum number of questions from current GK. Almost all the areas like Science, Geography, Sports, Economics, Polity, Current Affairs, Art and Culture etc. were covered. The current affairs questions were of easy to moderate level of difficulty whereas the questions from static GK were a little difficult to attempt. A good score in this section could be 23-25.
TISS Management Aptitude Test (TISS-MAT)
Candidates interested in studying courses MA (HRM & LR) or MA (ODCL) offered at the Mumbai Campus appeared for an additional entrance test called TISS Management Aptitude Test (TISS-MAT).
  • This test (TISS-MAT) was of 45 marks, and time alloted was 30 minutes.
  • Marking Scheme- 1 mark for every correct answer marked and 0.25 marks will be deducted for an incorrect answer option.
  • There was no sectional cut-off mentioned for this entrance.
Exam Pattern of TISS- MAT:
Sections No. of Questions Total Marks
Comprehension 15 15
Management Data Interpretation 15 15
Business Awareness 15 15
Comprehension: This section had two passages with 8 & 7 questions respectively. The passages were very easy and questions were also direct and factual.
Good attempt: 10+
Management Data Interpretation: This section was easy to moderate. There were 2 sets of five questions on pie-chart and one set of five questions on tables.
Good attempt: 8+
Business Awareness: This section was moderate to tough. Most of the questions were based on business & economy. The jargon in the questions also reflected the same essence.
Good attempt: 4+
TISS-MAT Score will be aggregated with the score of Pre Interview Test and Personal Interview.
TISS-MAT : 30% Pre-Interview Test (PIT) : 40% Personal Interview (PI) : 30%
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Important Note:
  • Students should note that for final selection, the Pre-Interview Test and Personal Interview scores will be aggregated in 70:30 ratio.
Students who are applying for MA (HRM&LR) and MA (ODCL) programmes then TISS-MAT, Pre-Interview Test and Personal Interview scores will be aggregated in 30:40:30 ratio for final compilation
Admissions to Masters Programmes at TISS is done through a two-stage process with three components.
Stage 1: TISS-NET (TISS National Entrance Test) TISS-NET is a common screening test for all Masters Programmes across all the campuses and centres. TISS-NET is aimed at shortlisting candidates for Stage 2 based on differential cut-offs for different programmes depending on the number of seats, number of applicants and the scores secured by the candidates.
PLEASE NOTE: Candidates applying for (i) MA Human Resource Management &Labour Relations (HRM &LR) and (ii) MA Organisation Development, Change and Leadership (ODCL) of Mumbai Campus will have a Management Aptitude Test (TISS-MAT) conducted along with TISS-NET for 45 marks for a duration of 30 mins. The score for MAT will be added to the PIT score of the shortlisted candidates while preparing the final score for the selection.
Stage 2: PIT / PI (Pre-Interview Test and Personal Interview) PIT/PI are programme specific and might have variations across different programmes. Some of the programmes have Group Discussions (GD) or Aptitude Test (AT) as part of PIT. The details of programme specific components are provided against each of the programmes.
THE SCORES FOR PIT AND PI WILL BE IN AGGREGATED IN THE RATIO 70:30 FOR FINAL SELECTION. In the case of candidates applying for (i) MA HRM&LR and (ii) MA ODCL the scores for TISS-MAT, PIT and PI will be aggregated in the ratio 30:40:30.
Following are the cut off percentiles for TISS Mumbai:
HRM: 72+
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