IIFT 2022 Exam Analysis

IIFT 2022 Analysis
IIFT exam is composed of four sections, that check the candidate’s proficiency in mathematics, reasoning, English, and general knowledge. The mathematics portion is generally perceived as the most difficult and lengthiest of all sections. While initially, the total number of questions in IIFT has every year, it has remained fixed over the last few years. Read More..
IIFT 2021 Analysis
This year IIFT exam was conducted on 5th December by National Testing Agency and exam was computer based. There were 4 sections namely QR, RC&VA, DI&LR, GA with a total of 110 questions. QR section was tough this year. Read More..
IIFT 2020 Analysis
This year IIFT exam was conducted by National Testing Agency and exam was computer based. There were 4 sections namely QR, RC&VA, DI&LR, GA with a total of 110 questions. QR section was tough this year. DI was calculation intensive and selection of question was important in LR. RCs were moderate to tough. Vocabulary was also moderate to tough part in RC&VA section. Read More..
MDI Gurgaon
IIFT 2019 Analysis
This year IIFT exam was conducted by National Testing Agency and exam was computer based. There were 4 sections namely QR, RC&VA, DI&LR, GA with a total of 110 questions. QR section was tough this year. DI was calculation intensive and selection of question was important in LR. RC was comparatively easier than last year and was dominated by factual questions. Read More..
IIFT 2018 Analysis
This year IIFT paper was almost similar to last year’s paper. There were 6 sections namely DI, AR & LR, GK, RC, VA and QA. The total number of questions was same as that of last year’s i.e. 114. This year the only change was in marking scheme of VA and DI which was interchanged i.e. VA from 1 to 0.75 and DI from 0.75 to 1 per question. In terms of difficulty level, students found AR very tough as compared to last year’s. To maintain the cutoff, in all 6 sections, was really a difficult task and a lot of students will end up in not clearing cutoff in one or two sections. This year also the different sets had different sequence of sections. Read More..
IIFT 2017 Analysis
This year IIFT has done a few changes in terms of distribution of sections and marks allocation. This year VA, RC, Data & Reasoning were all separate hence taking number of sections to six as compared to four, last year. The total number of questions was reduced to 114 from 123. GK & Verbal ability section was slightly different in terms of format for e.g. in GK section, a few questions were asked by giving description first and then asking questions out of it. To maintain the cutoff, in all the six section, was really a difficult task and a lot of student will end up in not clearing cutoffs in one or two sections. Read More..
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IIFT 2016 Analysis
IIFT-2016 is done and dusted and it is now time to come up with the analysis for the exam! In terms of pattern and structure, the exam was similar to IIFT-2015. The exam featured one question less in comparison to the last year. In continuing with the trend of the exam, the exam again had differential marking scheme for the sections. Read More..
IIFT 2015 Analysis
The Pattern of the IIFT 2015 paper was a little different from IIFT 2014 as the total number of questions was 124. The IIFT 2014 paper had 118 questions with differential marking scheme which was continued this year also. One major change was that the DI section was clubbed with Analytical Reasoning and there was a separate section on Quantitative Aptitude. The overall feel of the paper was Easy to Moderate. Read More..
IIFT 2014 Analysis
The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade conducted the IIFT exam in the month of November 2014. The pattern of the IIFT 2014 paper was quite different from 2013. The IIFT 2014 paper had 118 questions with differential marking scheme. One major change, which was overlooked by a lot of students, was that the DI section was clubbed with Quant section and there was a separate section on LR. Read More..
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IIFT 2013 Analysis
IIFT 2013 was almost similar to IIFT 2012 as the format was exactly the same as that of last year’s. There was no change in marking scheme. Read More..
IIFT 2012 Analysis
IIFT 2012 Paper was comparatively easier than IIFT 2011. There were 128 questions (4 Sections) and the time allotted was 2 hours. Read More..
IIFT 2011 Analysis
The question pattern of IIFT 2011 paper was different from IIFT 2010. The number of question came down to 120 from last year's 135 questions i.e. a drop of 15 questions. This year IIFT contained 6 sections instead of 4 sections last year. Also this year it was not mentioned that whether sectional cutoffs will be taken into consideration or not. But if taken into consideration then cutoffs are given in the analysis. Read More..
IIFT 2010 Analysis
The question pattern of IIFT 2010 paper was different from IIFT 2009. As 2010 paper had 135 Questions i.e. an increase of 13 questions (10 in GK, 1 in DI, & 2 in Math). In verbal section, analogies were introduced instead of asking vocabulary directly. The paper was very lengthy and QA and LRDI sections had few difficult question. Read More..
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