IIFT 2012 Analysis

IIFT 2012 Paper was comparatively easier than IIFT 2011. Also, the sectional cut-offs were to be considered this year.

Time allotted 2 Hrs.
Total no. of questions 128(100 Marks)
Marking Scheme Different for different sections
Sections 4
Number of choices 4
Negative Marking 1/3

There were 128 questions (4 Sections) and the time allotted was 2 hours. The four sections were as follows:

Section Sections No. of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
Section -1 Analytical Reasoning 20 0.75 15
Data Interpretation 19 1.00 19
Section -2 Quantitative Ability 25 1.00 25
Section -3 Verbal Ability 20 0.75 15
Reading Comprehension 16 0.75 12
Section -4 General Awareness 28 0.50 14
  Total 128   100.00
Section I: (Part -1) Analytical and Logical Reasoning
Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
AR and LR Directions 2 2×0.75
Syllogism 2 2×0.75
Coding and decoding 4 4×0.75
Series 2 2×0.75
Input-Output 2 2×0.75
Symboperation 1 1×0.75
AR blocks 7 7×0.75
  Total 20 15

Evaluation: Overall this section was of moderate difficulty level and the students found the questions on coding, series, syllogism, etc. especially difficult.

Comfortable Attempt: 12-14 questions.

Achievable Score: Around 8 marks.

(Part -2) Data Interpretation
Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
Data Interpretation Bar Graph 8 8×1
Tables 9 9×1
Pie Charts 2 2x1
  Total 19 19

Evaluation: Most of the DI questions were calculative in nature.

Comfortable Attempt: 10-12 questions.

Achievable Score: Around 10 marks.

Section II: Quantitative Ability
Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
Quant Percentage, Profit & Loss 3 3×1
Time & Work, Ratio 4 4×1
Geometry 4 4×1
Number System 3 3×1
P& C, Probability 5 5×1
Algebra 3 3×1
Logs 1 1×1
TSD 2 2×1
  Total 25 25

Evaluation: The Quant Section was Moderate.

Comfortable Attempt: 12-15 questions.

Achievable Score: Around 12 marks.

Section III: (Part -1) Verbal Ability
Sr. No. Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Sentence Completion 2 0.75×2
2. Analogies 2 0.75×2
3. Sentence Rearrangement 2 0.75×2
4. Sentence Correction 4 0.75×4
5. Spell- Check 2 0.75×2
6. Vocabulary Based 6 0.75×6
7. Figures of speech 2 0.75x2
  Total 20 15

Evaluation: Verbal Ability Section was dominated by vocabulary based questions. Sentence rearrangement and grammar questions were very easy and sentence completion was a fair mix of difficult and easy questions.

Comfortable Attempt: 12-15 questions.

Achievable Score: Around 8 marks.

(Part -2) Reading Comprehensio
Sr. No. Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Business and market psychology. 4 0.75×4
2. Education and psychology(descriptive) 4 0.75×4
3. Reality shows and societal perceptions 4 0.75×4
4. History(narrative/anecdotal) 4 0.75×4
  Total 16 12

Evaluation: This section was easy. Except the passage on education and psychology, the rests were moderate in length. Most of the questions were direct.

Comfortable Attempt: 10-12 questions.

Achievable Score: Around 7 marks.

Section IV: General Awareness

Evaluation: This year GK section was dominated by static GK and the questions on Current Affairs were comparatively less.

Comfortable Attempt: 6-8 questions.

Achievable Score: Around 3 marks.

*Disclaimer:All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs. However, it has nothing to do with original cut-offs.

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