IIFT 2010 Analysis

The question pattern of IIFT 2010 paper was different from IIFT 2009. As 2010 paper had 135 Questions i.e. an increase of 13 questions (10 in GK, 1 in DI, & 2 in Math). In verbal section, analogies were introduced instead of asking vocabulary directly. The paper was very lengthy and QA and LRDI sections had few difficult question.
While overall feel of the paper was easy and negative marking was 1/3 as in the previous year.
  • There were 135 questions (4 Sections) and the time allotted was 2hrs. The four sections were as follows:
  • Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability
  • Data Interpretation
  • General Awareness
  • Quantitative Ability
Overview of the IIFT 2010 Paper
Time allotted 2 Hrs.
Total no. of questions 135(100 Marks)
Marking Scheme Different for different sections
Sections 4
Number of choices 4
Negative Marking 1/3 1/3
Expected cut-offs* Around 36
SECTION I: Reading Comprehension & Verbal Ability
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Reading Comprehension Kodak & its Strategy 5 0.7x5
2. Reading Comprehension Stocks & Shares (American Mkt.) 4 0.7x4
3. Reading Comprehension Organizational behavior 3 0.7x3
4. Reading Comprehension Business Tycoon(Warren Buffett) 3 0.7x3
5. Verbal Ability Sentence Completion 6 0.5x6
6. Verbal Ability Analogies 6 0.5x6
7. Verbal Ability Sentence Rearrangement 6 0.5x6
8. Verbal Ability Sentence Correction & Grammar 5 0.5x5
9. Verbal Ability Spell- Check 2 0.5x2
Evaluation: In Verbal section, two RCs (Kodak & Warren Buffett) were easy while other two were time consuming. Overall difficulty level was higher as compared to the previous year. Paper contained a few analogies and Spell – Check based questions. Sentence rearrangement was very easy and sentence completion was a fair mix of difficult and easy questions.
Comfortable Attempt: 15-19 questions in about 35 minutes.
Achievable Score: Around 9.
SECTION II: Data Interpretation and Analytical Reasoning
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Data Interpretation Bar Graph 10 10×1
Tables 9 9×1
Pie – Chart 1 1×1
2. Analytical Reasoning Arrangement Questions 8 8×1
Logical Reasoning 2 2×1
Analytical Blocks 5 5×1
Evaluation: DI blocks were calculative in nature so it required a lot of labor. There were 3 LR blocks (13 Questions) and all of them could have been done easily.
Comfortable Attempt: 12-15 in about 35 minutes.
Achievable Score: Around 12.
SECTION III: General Awareness
Evaluation: This year GK section was dominated by questions on Business and Static questions.
Comfortable Attempt: 06-08 in about 10 minutes.
Achievable Score: Around 3.
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Quant Percentage & Profit & Loss 3 3×1
Sets & Venn 2 2×1
Time & Work & Ratio 3 3×1
Geometry 5 5×1
Number System 4 4×1
Higher Mathes 4 4×1
Functions 2 2×1
P& C Probability 3 3×1
Algebra 1 1×1
Logs 2 2×1
TSD 1 1×1
Evaluation: The Quant Section was a bit easier than last year. There were around 10-12 doable questions, but the knowledge of higher maths was required in around 5-6 questions.
Comfortable Attempt: 10-13 in about 35 minutes.
Achievable Score: Around 10.
*Disclaimer:All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs. However, it has nothing to do with original cut-offs.
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