IIFT 2011 Analysis

The question pattern of IIFT 2011 paper was different from IIFT 2010. The number of question came down to 120 from last year's 135 questions i.e. a drop of 15 questions. This year IIFT contained 6 sections instead of 4 sections last year. Also this year it was not mentioned that whether sectional cutoffs will be taken into consideration or not. But if taken into consideration then cutoffs are given in the analysis.

There were 120 questions (6 Sections) and the time allotted was 2hrs. The six sections were as follows:

Sr. No. Sections No. of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
1. General Awareness 21 0.50 10.50
2. Reading Comprehension 15 0.75 11.25
3. Verbal Ability 23 0.75 17.25
4. Quantitative Ability 24 1.00 24.00
5. Data Interpretation 16 1.00 16.00
6. Analytical Reasoning and Logic Reasoning 21 1.00 21.00
  Total 120   100.00
Overview of the IIFT 2011 Paper
Time allotted 2 Hrs.
Total no. of questions 120(100 Marks)
Marking Scheme Different for different sections
Sections 6
Number of choices 4
Negative Marking 1/3 1/3
Expected cut-offs* Around 37 marks
SECTION I: General Awareness

Evaluation:This year GK section was dominated by questions on Current Affairs and Static GK unlike last year which was dominated by Business GK.

Comfortable Attempt:6-8 questions.
Achievable Score::Around 2 marks.
SECTION II: Reading Comprehension
Sr. No. Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Logistics & Mgt. of Sea Cargo. 4 0.75 x 4
2. Consumer Behavior 4 0.75 x 4
3. Business houses and legal Disputes 4 0.75 x 4
4. Banking & Economy 3 0.75 x 3
SECTION I: General Awareness
Evaluation:This year GK section was dominated by questions on Current Affairs and Static GK unlike last year which was dominated by Business GK.
Comfortable Attempt:6-8 questions.
Achievable Score::Around 2 marks.
SECTION II: Reading Comprehension
Sr. No. Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Logistics & Mgt. of Sea Cargo. 4 0.75 x 4
2. Consumer Behavior 4 0.75 x 4
3. Business houses and legal Disputes 4 0.75 x 4
4. Banking & Economy 3 0.75 x 3

Evaluation: In RC section, One RC (Business houses and legal Disputes) was easy while other three were moderate and time consuming. Overall difficulty level was same as compared to the previous year.

Comfortable Attempt:6-8 questions.
Achievable Score::Around 2.5 marks.
SECTION III: Verbal Ability
Sr. No. Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
1. Sentence Completion 3 0.75×3
2. One Word Substitution 2 0.75×2
3. Sentence Rearrangement 2 0.75×2
4. Sentence Correction & Grammar 4 0.75×4
5. Spell- Check 2 0.75×3
6. Vocab Based 10 0.75×3

Evaluation: Verbal Ability Section was dominated by vocabulary based questions. Sentence rearrangement and grammar questions were very easy and sentence completion was a fair mix of difficult and easy questions.

Comfortable Attempt:15-17 questions.
Achievable Score::Around 5 marks.
SECTION IV: Quantitative Ability
Area Test Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
QUANT Percentage & Profit & Loss 2 2×1
Simplification 1 1×1
Time & Work & Ratio 5 5×1
Geometry 3 3×1
Number System 2 2×1
P & C Probability 2 2×1
Algebra 6 6×1
Logs 2 2×1
TSD 1 1×1

Evaluation: The Quant Section was a moderate. Right selection of questions was important as some the questions were having very lengthy statements.

Comfortable Attempt:12-14 questions.
Achievable Score::Around 9 marks.
SECTION V: Data Interpretation
Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
Data Interpretation Bar Graph 5 5×1
Tables 11 10×1

Evaluation: DI blocks were calculative in nature so it required a lot of labor.

Comfortable Attempt:8-10 questions.
Achievable Score::Around 6 marks.
SECTION VI: Analytical and Logical Reasoning
Area Tested Description No. of Questions Mark Allotted
AR and LR Decision making 2 2×1
Syllogism 2 2×1
Coding and decoding 4 4×1
Letter series 2 2×1
Deductions 2 2×1
Course of action 2 2×1
AR blocks 7 7×1

Evaluation: TThere were different types of questions in this section like syllogism, Coding, series etc. This section was comparatively easier and would raise the overall cutoff.

Comfortable Attempt:12-14 questions
Achievable Score::Around 8.
*Disclaimer:All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs. However, it has nothing to do with original cut-offs.
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