SNAP 2023 Exam Analysis Test 2 (17 Dec)

SNAP 2023 Analysis
SNAP 2023 had a comparable level of difficulty to the previous year's exam. The exam structure and marking scheme remained consistent with the previous year. It consisted of 60 questions to be completed within 60 minutes. While the English and Reasoning sections were manageable, the quant section posed a bit of a challenge. Here are the key features of SNAP 2023: Read More..
SNAP 2022 Analysis
SNAP 2022 was quite similar in difficulty level to the previous year exam. The exam pattern and marking scheme remained the same as followed last year. It had a total of 60 questions to be solved in 60 minutes. English and Reasoning sections were easy to tackle, but the quant section was a bit tough. Here are the key features of SNAP 2022: Read More..
SNAP 2021 Analysis
SNAP test is a computer-based test and was conducted on three scheduled dates in 2021-22. The first scheduled date was 19th December 2021. SNAP 2021 was based on pattern as declared by SIU on its website. A candidate can appear for a maximum of two tests for SNAP 2021. If a candidate appears for two tests, the higher score will be considered for final percentile calculation and there will be no normalization. Read More..
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SNAP 2020 Analysis
SNAP test is a computer based test and was conducted on three scheduled dates. The first scheduled date was 20th December 2020. SNAP 2020 was based on changed pattern as declared by the Symbiosis International University (SIU) on its website. The major change was in reduction of total number of questions and introduction of uniform marking scheme.  The another change  is that ‘candidate can appear for maximum of two tests for SNAP 2020. Read More..
SNAP 2019 Analysis
SNAP 2019 was based on changed pattern as declared by the Symbiosis International University (SIU) on its website. The major change was in reduction of total number of questions and removal of GK. There were Objective Type (MCQ) questions as well as Non MCQs. General English section was of easy to moderate difficulty level mainly because of the tricky vocabulary based questions and one lengthy RC. Analytical & Logical reasoning section was easy to moderate. This section was dominated by arrangements, puzzles and family tree based questions. Quant section was moderate to tough. This section was dominated by geometry, modern mathematics, time speed distance and number system.   Overall time management and selection of questions will play a major role in clearing cut-off. Read More..
SNAP 2018 Analysis
SNAP 2018 was based on changed pattern as declared by the Symbiosis International University (SIU) on its website. There were Objective Type (MCQ) questions as well as Non MCQs. Quant and General English sections were easier than last year’s. However there were no DI questions in Quant section. General Awareness section was dominated by current affairs and was a bit tricky. Analytical & Logical reasoning section was moderate. Overall time management and selection of questions will play a major role in clearing cut-off. Read More..
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SNAP 2017 Analysis
SNAP 2017 maintained last year’s pattern in terms of number of questions as well as in marking scheme. Quant and General English sections were a little difficult than last year. General Awareness section was dominated by current affairs and was also difficult. Analytical & Logical reasoning section was moderate. Overall time management and selection of questions will play a major role in clearing cut-off. Read More..
SNAP 2016 Analysis
SNAP 2016 was different from last year’s as the number of questions as well as the marking scheme changed this year. This time the total number of questions and total marks were same. Each question was of one mark. Therefore each section had played important role in scoring well in this exam. Overall the feel of the paper was slightly easier than last year’s SNAP Paper. Verbal section was easy to moderate. Quant section was almost similar in terms of difficulty level. Analytical and Logical reasoning section was a little tricky. Overall time management and selection of questions would have played major role in clearing sectional as well as overall cut-off. Read More..
SNAP 2015 Analysis
SNAP 2015 was more or less same as that of last year's. The number of questions and the marking scheme were exactly the same. Overall the feel of the paper was slightly difficult than last year's SNAP Paper, so one can expect a bit lower cutoffs than last year's. There were a few surprises in Verbal section and Reasoning was also bit difficult. Quant section was almost similar in terms of difficulty level. Read More..
SNAP 2014 Analysis
The Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) was conducted by the SNAP National Secretariat on December 21, 2014. Based on the candidates' inputs and their own SNAP experience, our mentors arrived at a composite picture of the SNAP 2014 analysis including the SNAP 2014 answer key and the expected cutoffs for various institutes that accept SNAP scores. Read More..
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SNAP 2013 Analysis
SNAP 2013 more or less same as the last year’s SNAP. The number of questions and marking scheme were exactly the same. The difficulty level of the paper was again easy to moderate. Overall the feel of the paper was easy and doable. Read More..
SNAP 2012 Analysis
SNAP 2012 did not give any surprises as the paper was similar to last year's SNAP paper. The number of questions and marking scheme were exactly the same. The difficulty level of the paper was again easy. Overall the feel of the paper was easy and doable. Read More..
SNAP 2011 Analysis
SNAP 2011 was similar to SNAP 2010 in terms of difficulty level as well as in number of questions. The marking scheme was also the same. Like last year, this year also in AR & LR section there were 30 questions of 2 marks each; rest of the paper contained questions of 1 mark each. Students found difficulty level in AR section slightly higher than last year paper. So one can expect slightly lower cut offs as that of last year's. Overall The SNAP 2011 has retained its 'Easy and Doable' exam identity. Read More..
SNAP 2010 Analysis
SNAP 2010 was similar to SNAP 2009 in terms of difficulty level as well as in number of questions. The marking scheme was same. So one can expect similar cut offs as that of last year's. Like last year, this year also in AR & LR section there were 30 questions of 2 marks each; rest of the paper contained questions of 1 mark each. Overall the feel of the paper was easy. Read More..
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