SNAP 2021 Analysis

Comprehensive and in-depth analysis of SNAP 2021
SNAP test is a computer-based test and was conducted on three scheduled dates in 2021-22. The first scheduled date was 19th December 2021. SNAP 2021 was based on pattern as declared by SIU on its website. A candidate can appear for a maximum of two tests for SNAP 2021. If a candidate appears for two tests, the higher score will be considered for final percentile calculation and there will be no normalization. This time also there were Objective Type (MCQ) questions only as announced by SIU. English section was the easiestand it hadvocabulary, grammar and sentence completion-based questions. Analytical & Logical reasoning section was also easy this time. This section was dominated by verbal reasoning, series and arrangement-based questions. Quant section was moderate to tough as there were a few questions based on probability and combination & permutation. However, a few questions in mathematics did not have correct options or the grammar in their statements was wrong.  Overall time management and selection of questions will play a major role in clearing cut-off. The schedule for this year’s SNAP exam is as follows:
Date: 19 December 2021; Time: 14.00 pm – 15.00 pm.
Date: 08 January 2022; Time: 10.00 am – 11.00 am.
Date: 16 January 2022; Time: 10.00 am – 11.00 am.
Overview of the paper (19 December):
There were 60 questions (3 Sections) in all and the time allotted was 1 hr. The three sections were as follows:
Overview of Different Sections
No. of questions
General English
Analytical & Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude, DI & DS
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Overview of the SNAP
Exam Mode
Online Computer Based Test
Time allotted
1 Hr.
Total Questions
Total Maximum Marks
Number of Sections
Type of questions
60 (MCQs followed by 4 answer)
Marking Scheme
For correct answer -1
Negative Marking
-1/4 Mark for each wrong answer of MCQs
Expected SNAP Cutoffs (Score)
Cutoff (Score)
SIBM (Pune)
SIBM (Bengaluru)
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Sectional Analysis
SECTION I: General English
Evaluation: The pattern of section was similar to that of last year’s.  This year also there was no conventional RC passages and even no sentence rearrangement-based questions.   However passage was in the form of a small poem consisting of 2-3 lines and one question based on it. The level of this section was easy. The section was dominated by, vocabulary& sentence completion-based questions. A couple of grammar-based questions purely checked the fundamentals of grammar such as which of the following sentences is British English or American English. The two vocabulary-based questions were also easy. There were questions based on idiom/idiomatic usage, spellings and parts of speech. The overall feel of the section was easy
Good Attempt: 12-14questions
SECTION II: Analytical & Logical Reasoning
Evaluation: The difficulty level of this section was easy. The section included questions on, coding/decoding, blood relations, calendar, clock, logical order and missing number/letters. This section was dominated by verbal reasoning and series. There were 2 questions each on clock& on calendarthat required basic understanding of the concept. Overall feel of the section was easy to moderate.
Good Attempt: 19-21 questions.
SECTION III: Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & DS
Evaluation:  This was the toughest section.  The questions were Verbose and a bit tricky. This section was dominated by Algebra, Geometry Arithmetic and modern mathematics. There were 2-3 questions on numbers also. Overall, the feel of the section was moderate to tough and the selection of questions was important to get hold on the paper.
Good Attempt:  13-15 questions
Disclaimer:All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs however, It has nothing to do with original cut-offs
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