SNAP Percentile Predictor

SNAP percentile predictor 2023 will help you get the approximate percentile and scores, based on your performance in all sections of the exam. After the exam, candidates are anxious to evaluate their performance and estimate their future prospects. Hence, our mentors have developed a SNAP score calculator/ percentile predictor. Here, you will be able to access the predictor tool, along with the given stepwise procedure.
SNAP 2023
SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) is a management entrance test conducted by Symbiosis International University. Every year, over 60,000 candidates appear for the exam in the hope to bag an admission seat in a good MBA programme. SNAP is the foremost criteria for admission in reputed colleges like SIBM, SCMHRD, SIOM, etc.
SNAP 2023 will be held on 10, 17 & 22 December, in three sessions.
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SNAP Percentile Predictor 2023
The percentile/ score predictor will estimate your expected performance, as per the inputs provided by you, which includes the number of questions attempted in each section and the number of correct and incorrectly answered questions. The sooner you use the predictor after your exam, the more accurate will be your computed scores and percentile. However, it is better to use the predictor after all three sessions have been conducted. This is because the overall and sectional difficulty level of different slots is not exactly equal. Also, remember to feed the right details in the predictor.
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Steps to use the Percentile Predictor
Given below are the steps for the correct usage of SNAP Percentile Predictor:
  1. Click on the given link for the ‘SNAP Percentile Predictor’. You are required to ‘sign up’ if you are not already registered.
  2. Once you log in, you need to fill in the requisite details.
  3. Now, enter your number of attempts and correct answers to get the overall and sectional SNAP percentile.
  4. In the next step, you can explore the B-school options you have.
  5. Finally, you will be given expert guidance for applying to your dream colleges.
How does SNAP Percentile Predictor work?
SNAP score calculator/ percentile predictor work on the basis of the following factors: the number of candidates that appeared in SNAP 2023, your marks relative to other candidates, and the difficulty level of that particular slot and sections. This tool also considers the scaled score and normalization process followed by the official authorities.
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SNAP Score Vs Percentile
After the marks attained by the candidate are scaled onto the equivalent scores, these are further converted into percentile. However, the score-percentile equivalence keeps changing with the change in difficulty level and number of candidates appearing in the exam. The given table shows the SNAP scores and the corresponding percentile as per 2021 test sessions. For the 2023 session, these are expected to stay on similar lines.
SNAP Percentile
SNAP Score
After the SNAP result is out, you can expect calls from the prospective colleges for further selection rounds. Every institute has a different cut-off criteria, depending upon its number of admission seats and ranking. Apart from the percentile, your profile and score in the GE/PI/WAT/interview play a crucial role in the final selection. Besides, they may be slight variations in their selection process. So, you must check their respective websites for detailed information.
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