XAT 2012 Analysis

Analysis: XAT 2012
XAT 2012 was difficult than last year's XAT papers. This year the different questions in different sections were allotted different marks which made the paper more difficult. There were questions of 1,2,3,4 and 5 marks. Students found it difficult to devise any strategy to attempt the paper. Right selection of questions will play an important role in clearing the cutoffs.
Overview of the paper:
There were 101 questions (3 Sections) in all and the time allotted was 2hrs. The three sections were as follows:
  • Verbal and logical ability
  • Quantitative ability& DI
  • Analytical reasoning and decision making
Overview of the XAT 2012 Paper
Time allotted 2Hrs. + 20 Minutes for paragraph
Total no. of questions 101
Marking Scheme Different for different questions
Sections 3
Number of choices 5
Negative Marking One fourth of the mark(s)allotted for each question
Expected cut-offs* A score of 68+ can expect a call from XLRI
63+ can expect a call from XIMB
55+ can expect a call from GIM/BIM/LIBA
45+ can expect a call from XIME/XISS
Overview of Different Sections
Sr. No. Sections No. of Questions Difficulty Level
1 Verbal & Logical Ability 34 Moderate
2 Quantitative ability& DI 43 Tough
3 Analytical reasoning and decision making 24 Moderate to Tough
SECTION I: Verbal & Logical Ability
Area Tested Description No. of Questions Difficulty Level /remarks
Verbal & Logical Ability RC 30 Moderate to Tough
Verbal Reasoning 3 Easy to Moderate
Grammar 6 Easy
Sentence Rearrangement 3 Moderate
Evaluation: Overall section was moderate to tough. This section contained 34questions.The verbal section was of 69 marks. There were 13 questions of 1 mark each, 8 questions of 2 marks each,12 questions of 3 marks each,1 question of 4marks. The paper was dominated by critical Reasoning, followed by RCs, based questions etc. There were 2 RCs which were moderate in length but contained highly inferential questions / Critical Thinking based questions. One poetry based question also made a comeback this year. Critical Reasoning questions were tough to reason out.. Rest of the verbal section was moderate. Overall the verbal section can be termed as difficult in comparison to previous year's XAT.
Comfortable Attempt: A score totaling to 26+
Achievable Score: 16+ was an achievable score.
SECTION II: Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
Area Tested Description No. of Questions
Quantitative Ability& DI Functions 2
Percentage 2
Number System 6
Time, Speed & Distance 6
Time & Work 2
Geometry & Mensuration 4
Averagesn 1
Multiple Graphs 4
Sets 1
Miscellaneous 2
Probability 1
Tables 3
Line Graphs 3
Simple Interest 1
Evaluation: There were 7 question of 1 mark each, 14 questions of 2 marks each, 14 questions of 3 marks and 8 questions of 5 marks each. So this section had (1 × 7 + 2 × 14 + 3 × 14 + 5 × 8 = 117) 117 as maximum marks. The DI question was comparatively easier. Four questions of line graph were easy and should have been attempted. One 5 marks question (a77 of : prime number based) was esey. Geometry questions were tough and should have been avoided.
Comfortable Attempt: A score totalling to 20+
Achievable Score: 14+ was an achievable score.
SECTION III: Analytical Reasoning and Decision Making
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Question

Analytical Reasoning and Decision Making

AR block 14
Decision making 10
Evaluation:There were 1 question of 1 mark, 8 questions of 2 marks each, 12 questions of 3 marks each, 1 question of 4 marks and 2 question 5 marks each. The section had 67 as the maximum marks. This section was a fair mix of AR and decision making question. Decision making questions required thorough and repeated reading. Choices were very close. One should have attempted this section with much caution.
Comfortable Attempt: A score totaling to 26+
Achievable Score: 15+ was an achievable score
This year the pattern of giving essay topic also changed i.e. an argument was given and test taker was asked to present his/ her judgment/views along with the justifications and examples in approximately 250 words.
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