Latest Changes in XAT 2026 Exam Pattern
XAT administration has introduced significant changes in the XAT exam pattern.
Reduction in the overall number of questions: Earlier XAT used to have 101 questions which have been reduced to 95 questions that will be in the MCQ format.
Reduction in GK questions: Gk section will now have 20 questions instead of 25. This section will include 12 questions on current affairs and 8 questions from static GK ensuring a balanced assessment of candidates' current awareness and foundational knowledge.
Changes in Exam time: The total XAT 2026 exam time is reduced to 180 minutes instead of earlier 210 minutes.
XAT exam in 2 parts: The XAT 2026 exam has been divided into two parts. Part 1 is allocated 170 minutes and Part 2 is solely on the GK section which will be conducted in 10 minutes.
Removal of Analytical Essay Writing (AEW) Test: Analytical Essay Writing (AEW) has been removed from XAT 2026. This component section has been integrated with the Group Discussion and Personal Interview (GD/PI) stages of the XLRI selection process.
Important Updates:
- General Knowledge (GK) Score: The GK section score will be used solely by XLRI Jamshedpur in its final selection process.
- Analytical Essay Writing (AEW): This year, AEW will be administered during the Group Discussion & Personal Interview (GD / PI) processes.
XAT Exam Pattern 2026
XAT is a computer-based test which was of 210 minutes. In XAT 2026, the duration of the exam has been reduced to 180 minutes. It consists of two sections that are formulated to evaluate the management aptitude of the candidates. An MBA aspirant is expected to be good at making decisions, resolving conflicts, communicating ideas, and interpreting data in a timely manner. XAT is the primary criterion for seeking admission to several top-ranked B-schools. But it is not easy to achieve a high score unless you have a well-planned strategy beforehand. So, you must be fully familiar with the XAT pattern and format.
Recent Changes in XAT 2026 Exam
Reduction in the overall number of questions: Earlier XAT used to have 101 questions which have been reduced to 95 questions that will be in the MCQ format.
Reduction in GK questions: Gk section will now have 20 questions instead of 25. This section will include 12 questions on current affairs and 8 questions from static GK ensuring a balanced assessment of candidates' current awareness and foundational knowledge.
Changes in Exam time: The total XAT 2026 exam time is reduced to 180 minutes instead of earlier 210 minutes.
XAT exam in 2 parts: The XAT 2026 exam has been divided into two parts. Part 1 is allocated 170 minutes and Part 2 is solely on the GK section which will be conducted in 10 minutes.
Removal of Analytical Essay Writing (AEW) Test: Analytical Essay Writing (AEW) has been removed from XAT 2026. This component section has been integrated with the Group Discussion and Personal Interview (GD/PI) stages of the XLRI selection process.
GK Score: The score from the General Knowledge section will be exclusively utilized by XLRI Jamshedpur for its final selection process.
XAT paper is divided into two Parts. The following table gives a clear picture of the XAT exam pattern 2026:
Number of Sections |
2 |
Sections |
*Part 1: Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, Verbal & Logical Ability, Decision Making; Part 2: General Knowledge
Mode of Exam |
Online |
Duration of the Test |
180 minutes
No. of Questions( 95) |
Verbal & Logical Ability: 26 Questions
Decision Making: 21 Questions
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation: 28 Questions
General Knowledge: 20 Questions
Marking Scheme |
1 mark is awarded for each correct answer.
0.10 marks are deducted after every 8 unattempted questions.
Negative marking for every incorrect response is 0.25 marks.
*Note:The total number of questions will not exceed 95, including those focused on General Knowledge. There are no sectional limits for Part 1 of XAT 2026. But the total time available for XAT Part 1 is 175 minutes, Part 2 is of 5 minutes whereas Part 3 needs to be answered in 30 minutes. Further, remember that your score in Part 3 impacts your MBA admission even though it is not considered in the overall
XAT score.
Please NOTE the General Knowledge and Essay sections will not influence the cutoff score. Their evaluation will come into play only during the interview stage.
So, while they are essential for the overall process, they will not affect your initial
test results.
XAT Exam Pattern 2026: Key Takeaways for Preparation
Here are our expert suggestions for devising a smart strategy for XAT exam:

- All the sections should be given equal importance as it will fetch you high sectional as well as overall score. This is because you are required to clear both the overall and Sectional cut-offs to get admission in best B-schools.
- As the exam's level of difficulty is high, you must decide the time limit for each section (of Part 1) well.
- A distinguishing feature of XAT is that it has a Decision-making section that tests a student’s aptitude for MBA through different management-related problems. This section needs to be dealt very carefully since their answer choices are usually tricky.
- Regular practice of Mock Tests is essential for superior performance in all Sections.
- Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension are the main dominating areas in Verbal & Logical ability section. It is recommended that students work on building their vocabulary and grammar concepts to master these topics.
- Strong conceptual base in Geometry, Number System, Probability and DI with a good application orientation is the key to crack Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation section.
- It is crucial to stay updated with both current and static GK. Preparing current events for the past six months is essential, and a focus on awards, books and authors and geography will keep your hold on static GK. Besides, acquiring such knowledge will also help you write better essays.
- Striking a right balance between speed and accuracy is all that matters to score high in XAT.
Lastly, you must solve the
previous year papers to get an accurate understanding of the XAT exam pattern and difficulty level.
About XAT
XLRI Jamshedpur conducts the XAT on behalf of Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI). XAT is one of the most difficult management entrance exams and taken by 90,000+ aspirants annually. It is held in the month of January every year. XAT scores are accepted for admission in MBA/PGDM courses offered by 11 XAMI member institutes, 83 associate institutes, and 600+ other B-schools.