XAT Result 2025

"Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work." ~Booker T. Washington
So, here we will be revealing to you the fruits of your months of hard work! Once the results are out, you can Scroll down a bit and access your XAT result for 2024.
XAT 2024
XLRI conducts for admission into more than 100 XAT-affiliated management institutes. One of the most competitive exams, XAT is a computer-based exam, that tests the general aptitude of the candidates. In 2024, XAT will be held on 7th January 2024 and results will be released soon after.
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After the result declaration, XAT scorecards will be available for downloading until 2-3 months.
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XAT Result 2024
Follow the given steps to check your XAT exam result:
  • Click on the ‘XAT Result’ button below
  • Look up for the link “XAT 2023- Score Card” on the top of the page
  • Log-in using your Registration Number, Date of Birth and Security Text, provided at the time of application.
  • Click on the link “Download XAT Score Card”.
  • Download the scorecard which is available in PDF format for future reference.
Candidates will receive individual emails regarding XAT scorecards containing their marks.
XAT Score Vs Percentile
XAT percentile is based on the scaled score achieved in part 1 of the exam. The score-percentile equivalence show slight variations every year, due to the changes in number of test-takers and difficulty level of the exam. Percentile basically reflects the percentage of test-takers who scored less than you. During admissions, most of the B-schools consider your overall as well as sectional percentile. XAT scorecard reflects both the types of percentile. As per the previous year analysis and expected trends, our experts have come up the following raw score-percentile table for XAT 2023:
XAT Raw Score
XAT Percentile
What after getting your XAT Result?
After clearing the XAT exam 2023, students are shortlisted for further rounds of GD, PI and WAT. The XAT scorecard gives you the sectional and overall percentile along with your total score. Apart from having an aggregate cut-off, few XAT affiliated institutes like XLRI, S. P. Jain, XIM-B, etc. also have sectional cut-offs. These Cut-offs, which are released individually by XLRI and other XAT-associated institutes, are used to shortlist candidates for the GD/ PI. This is how the weightage is distributed by XLRI:
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XLRI Weightage Criteria
Round Weight
XAT Score 60%
GD/PI round 25%
Other Factors (GK score, Academics, video, work-ex) 10%
Also note that each of the XAT-affiliated institutes independently decides the weightage to be given for each of the test components. XLRI does not play any role in the selection of candidates in these institutes.
Additional Information
  • GK and Essay sections of XAT are not considered in the final score but do play an important role during admissions.
  • Candidates are required to download the scorecard and keep it for future reference. No hard copy is sent to the candidates by post or other such means.
  • Once the aspirant’s name appears in the XAT cut off list of XLRI, he or she is then required to update the city to appear for the interview and also submit certain documents. Then, they have to book their interview slots and upload a self-profile assessment and video.
  • Final admission offer is made to the candidate on the basis of his or her overall performance computed on the basis of XAT score, GD-PI, work experience, academic history, and similar other parameters.
XAT Decision making ebook
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