CAT Formulae E-Book

All competitive exams in the country from MBA Entrance exams, namely, CAT, XAT, SNAP, etc. to exams like SSC and Bank PO, assess the candidates on Quantitative Aptitude. The key to scoring well in this section is to manage time well and have a balance between speed and accuracy. Efficient Time Management should be a critical aspect of your overall exam strategy.

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The questions in the Quantitative Aptitude section are from various topics like Percentage, Average, Time, Speed & Distance, Geometry & Mensuration, Profit & Loss, etc. Some exams include questions on Probability, Logs, Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry and Clocks and Calendars as well. Thus, it becomes imperative that you are well versed with the basics and the different shortcuts and formulas required for solving questions with higher accuracy and in the least time. To help you learn all the shortcuts and formulas easily, we bring to you a comprehensive E-Book with all the important formulas for various topics in quant.

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Quant Gurus at Hitbullseye have compiled an e-book which will help you ace the quantitative section of various competitive exams. This e-Book contains formulas and tricks to solve the question in time. Make the most of this Quant formula e-book and then practice CAT Mocks to boost your CAT prep.

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