CAT Registration 2025: Explained Stepwise

CAT 2025
CAT is the most popular MBA entrance exam conducted to provide admissions in more than 100 top B-schools across India. The IIMs (Indian Institutes of Management) hold CAT every year in the month of November. Based on CAT scores the institutes shortlist candidates for the subsequent admission rounds. IIMs alone offer more than 5,000 seats in various management programs.

Approximately 2.5 lakh candidates apply for the CAT exam every year out of which over 80% appear for the exam. CAT registrations for 2025 will start in August 2025.

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CAT Registration 2025: Overview

Candidates have to submit the CAT 2025 application in online mode only. Generally there are three simple steps for filling out the CAT application form. To help the candidates with CAT Registration, the CAT authorities release an official Guide along with a registration video explaining the necessary do’s and don’ts.

Given below are the main steps for CAT registration:
  1. Creating a Profile
  2. Logging in to CAT Website (with system generated user ID and password)
  3. Submitting the CAT Application Form (Entering the details and making online payment)
MBA Masterclass
CAT Registration 2025: Important Dates
Events Important Dates (Tentative)
CAT Registration Starts August 2025
CAT Registration Ends September 2025
CAT Registration 2025: Things to Remember

Before filling out the online form you must keep the following points in mind:

  • CAT 2025 registration opens for almost 45 days from the start date of registration.
  • While filling out the online form for CAT 2025 you will need to select the relevant management programmes in all the 21 IIMs.
  • You must carefully read the instructions that appear at the start of the CAT application before filling out the form.
  • Your candidature will be treated as invalid if you fill in any incorrect information in the application. Additionally the CAT registration fee will be forfeited.
  • You can save and exit the registration form any number of times to edit and complete it later until you finally submit the application.
  • You can choose 6 test cities as per your preference and keep them in the preference order for CAT 2025.
  • Fee can be paid only after completing the online registration and application form.
  • Your application form will remain incomplete and you will not be allowed to appear in CAT 2025 exam if you do not pay the requisite exam fee.
Documents Required for CAT Registration 2025
Apart from the above-stated things you need some documents to complete your application form. Following is the list of documents you will require while filling out your CAT application:
  1. Marksheets of class 10th& 12th
  2. Bachelor’s degree/diploma and higher education if any.
  3. Work experience certificate if applicable.
  4. Scanned images of your passport-size photo and signature. (The photo should not be more than six months old and should have a white background).
  5. Scanned image of a passport-size photo should have dimensions: 35mm X 45mm and the scanned image of the signature should be of dimensions: 1000mm X 35 mm. Both the files should be in .jpg or .jpeg format and the file size should not be more than 80KB each. The image needs to be clear with a minimum resolution of 150px.
  6. Applicable Certificates to be uploaded.
  7. Fee payment instruments to pay CAT exam fee – Debit/Credit cards, Net banking, etc.
Finally you can make a list of the IIM programs to which you wish to apply.
CAT 2025 Registration Fees
The fees for CAT Registration is Rs. 2500/- (for the general category) and Rs. 1250 (for SC, ST and PwD candidates). This includes both the CAT registration fees and the IIM application fees. After you have paid this amount you do not have to pay any further amount for applying to the other 21 IIMs.
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Other than the 21 IIMs there are several top B schools across the country that accept CAT scores for admissions to their management programmes. B-schools like MDI Gurgaon, FMS Delhi, IMI New Delhi, IIT Roorkee and 500 more Business schools accept CAT Scores. To get into any of these prestigious institutes, you have to clear the CAT and score well.
CAT Registration 2025: Detailed Step-by-Step Process
The detailed CAT registration and application process is as follows:
Step 1 – CAT Registration 2025
  1. Go to the official website and click on ‘Register Now’. This will generate your login credentials.
  2. Enter the required details (Name, Date of Birth, Email Address and Mobile Number) in the fields provided. Ensure that you have entered the correct details especially the contact details so that you do not face any problems in receiving information regarding the test. Go through the following instructions while filling up the fields in the CAT registration/application form:
    • Name -. The name should be the same as mentioned in your 10th Standard or SSC Certificate. If there is a change of name due to marriage or any other reason, you will need to submit a valid document (court affidavit/marriage certificate) to support the same.
    • Date of birth – Be careful in using the virtual calendar to enter your date of birth.
    • Email address – The email id must be a valid one. The CAT ID/username will be sent to this email address. For overseas candidates both Username and Password will be sent via email.
    • Mobile number – The mobile number should be a valid one as the password will be sent via SMS at this number. The number should be India-based and of 10 digits. Other mobile numbers should be prefixed with the area code.
  3. After filling the details enter the captcha displayed on the screen to verify and authenticate your CAT registration.
  4. You will receive the CAT 2025 login credentials through Email and SMS. The CAT Serial Number/User ID will be sent to the email address provided by you and the password will be sent via SMS to your registered mobile number.
  5. Select the ‘I Agree checkbox to ensure the submission of your CAT registration form.
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Step 2 - Login to CAT Website
The next step is to login to the official website using the system-generated User ID & Password and fill out your CAT application form. In case you forget the password, click on ‘Forgot Password’ tab on the ‘Existing User’ login window and a new password will be sent to your registered email id.
Keep the following instructions in mind before filling out the complete application form:
  • All the ‘*’ marked fields are mandatory to fill.
  • You need to fill all the required information and upload scanned copies of the requisite documents.
  • Before proceeding to the every next section click on ‘Save & Continue.
  • Use the mouse to move to the next field instead of using the ‘Tab’ key.
  • You may complete the application process in multiple sessions by logging in the next session. But make sure that you have properly saved the application form fields before logging out in the previous sessions.
  • After the payment of the application fee you will not be allowed to make any changes to the information or documents submitted.

Step 3 – Fill and submit CAT Registration Form 2025

After logging in you can start filling out the CAT application form. Generally the form is divided into five sections:

  1. Personal Details:
    It includes: Name, father’s/husband’s/guardian’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, candidate’s gender, category, communication address, mobile number and email address.
    The candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC category needs to provide details like the serial number of caste/tribe, State/UT of caste/tribe and caste/tribe name. If the candidate is a PWD category, he/ she needs to select the 'Yes' option and provide details like PWD category and disability percentage.
    Further, you will have to upload a scanned copy of the following documents:
    • Passport size photograph and signature
    • Category proof document if applicable
    • PWD/DA certificate if applicable
  2. Academics:
    Here you are required to enter your past academic records of: SSC/10th standard/equivalent details, HSC/12th standard/equivalent details, bachelor’s degree details, master’s degree details and other professional degree details
  3. Work Experience:
    In case of full-time work experience you will need to provide the following details: industry type and work experience (in months).
    Only full-time work experience after graduation will be considered. Part-time/ project/ internship/ pre-graduation work experience should not be entered and will not be considered as work experience.
  4. Programmes:
    In this section you will have to select the programmes you wish to apply for. You can choose any number of programmes. For each selected programme, you will have to select an interview city.
    Further you will have to select any four test cities from the drop-down menu. After the last date of registration, you will be allotted one among the four preferred cities and either of the two selected sessions.
  5. Payment:
    You can pay the application fee through Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking after confirming the details filled in the form. After the successful payment transaction, you will be redirected to the Application Summary with your payment transaction number.
Mistakes to Avoid While Filing CAT Registration Form 2025
In their nervousness and hurry candidates often end up committing certain mistakes during exam registration. However sometimes the tiniest mistakes can result in the cancellation of your candidature. Follow the given tips to avoid such mistakes:
  • Double-check the spelling of all the details you provide in the form
  • Try to always use the mouse to click and move forward instead of the tab key
  • As you can fill out the form in several sessions remember to 'Save' your details every time
  • You cannot make any changes after submitting the fee. So make sure you have entered the correct details prior to fee payment
  • Always use the recommended browser to fill the CAT form
Lastly you will receive an application confirmation email at your registered email id. The email contains information about communication and CAT admit card details. You can only appear in the allotted time slot.
CAT Registration 2025: Admission to 21 IIMs
After you have completed your CAT registration and appeared in the CAT exam you are eligible to get into any of the 21 IIMs. Admission at IIMs is based on your CAT score, academic profile, work experience and performance in selection rounds. So if you have a great CAT score there will high chance of being considered by the top IIMs. Following are the 21 IIMs for admissions:
  • IIM Ahmedabad
  • IIM Bangalore
  • IIM Calcutta
  • IIM Ranchi
  • IIM Kashipur
  • IIM Kozhikode
  • IIM Rohtak
  • IIM Indore
  • IIM Nagpur
  • IIM Sambalpur
  • IIM Sirmaur
  • IIM Jammu
  • IIM Shillong
  • IIM Raipur
  • IIM Udaipur
  • IIM Amritsar
  • IIM Bodhgaya
  • IIM Vishakhapatnam
  • IIM Tiruchirapalli
  • IIM Nagpur
  • IIM Mumbai
  • Don’t forget to carry an original Photo ID proof along with your admit cards to the exam venue.
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