Test Analysis - Bull IIFT 01

MBA Masterclass
Overall Brief

On the whole the level of the test was moderate. Many of the questions were of easy or moderate level barring a few difficult questions so the key to getting a good percentile was selection of questions so as to leave difficult questions and save the time for easy and moderate level questions.

Easy Questions:
1 - 4, 6 - 8, 10 – 15,18, 20

The Quantitative section was also of easy level with 15 easy, 4 medium and only 1 difficult question. The 2 topics having more questions were Numbers (1 difficult). Most of the other areas of quantitative ability were covered by taking 1 or 2 questions from each topic. 2 questions each were asked from the topics like TSD (1 easy, 1 medium), Algebra (2 easy), Ratio & Partnership (2 easy), Geometry & Mensuration (1 easy, 1 medium) and Progressions & Series (2 easy). Similarly, there was 1 question each from the topics like Logs (1 easy), Alligation (1 easy), P&C, Probability (1 medium) and Profit & Loss (1 easy). One could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting 16 - 18 questions with 80 - 85% accuracy.

Data Interpretation
Easy Questions:
42, 44 – 46, 52 - 57

The DI was of easy to moderate level with 10 easy, 9 medium & 1 difficult question. 1st set of 4 questions on line diagram has 2 easy and 2 medium level questions. 2nd set on bar diagram had 2 easy questions. Next set on Tables had 4 medium, 1 difficult and 1 easy question. 4th set on Data Reasoning had 5 easy questions. 5th set on Data had 3 medium level questions.

The overall feel of the section was easy to moderate and one could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting around 12 - 15 questions with 85 - 90% accuracy.

Logical Reasoning
Easy Questions:
97, 99,106, 111 - 114

The LR section was of moderate level with 7 easy, 13 medium level questions. The section started with 2 questions of Verbal Reasoning (2 medium) followed by 2 questions on Critical Reasoning (1 medium, 1 easy). This paper had one set of Input Output questions which had 4 questions (1 easy and 3 medium). Then this paper had 12 questions of Logical Reasoning divided into 3 sets. 1st set was more difficult (5 medium, 1 easy) as compared to last set of Logical Reasoning (1 medium, 4 easy). There was one independent question of LR also which was of medium level.

The overall feel of the section was moderate and one could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting around 11-14 questions with 80 - 85% accuracy.

Easy Questions:
22-24, 26,27,31,33,36,38,39,80,83-92

1st set of questions (Q21, 22, 31 & 32) consists of complete para jumbling and partial para-jumbling questions. Except Q32 (the difficult one), rest were easy to moderate in terms of level of difficulty. In Q21, mandatory pairs were there and the passage was regarding French people. In Q22, again same tricks were used and paragraph was based on chronic disorganization. Q31 and Q32 were based on partial para jumbling wherein Q31 talked about Israel and Q32 talked about European powers. Two questions (Q23 and 24) were based on correct spellings and were easy. Next set of questions (Q25, 26, 37, 38) were based on sentence completion wherein Q25 and 37 were of moderate difficulty but Q26 and 38 were easy. Questions (27and 28) were based on sentence correction and were easy and moderate respectively wherein subject-verb agreement rule was followed. Another two questions (Q 29 & 30) were based on analogies which were of moderate difficulty and were based on synonym pair trick. Questions (33 and 34) were base on usage of proper grammatical rules. Q33 was easy whereas Q34 was moderate. Errors were related to collective entity (should be followed by singular verb), Idiomatic usage, subject-verb agreement. Q35 and 36 (synonym-antonym) were based on identifying odd one out where Q35 was moderate and Q36 was easy. Two questions were based on vocabulary (Q39 and 40) where Q39 was easy and Q40 was difficult .Q79-94 were based on reading comprehension.1st passage, (Q79-82), was based on football and its adverse effects which could lead to injuries and even deaths. All the questions based on it were moderate except Q80, which was easy.2nd passage (Q83-87) was based on a story whose moral was that a man should not run behind materialistic benefits. All questions were easy. 3rd passage (Q88-91) was based on history of Marco Polo. All questions were easy. The last passage (Q92-94) was based on RBI and its formation. All the questions based on it were moderate except Q92 which was easy. The overall feel of this section was moderate. One should do 21-24 questions with 80-85% accuracy to get 90%ile.

General Knowledge
Easy Questions:

This section of the paper was moderate. The paper covered Business and economy, international and national, finance and banking, Politics, sports, science and technology. Very less time should be devoted to this section of the paper. In order to generate a percentile of 90+ a student should have ideally attempted 7-10 questions with 85 – 90% accuracy.

Strategy & Tips

The overall feel of the paper was moderate, though for the students who knew how to manage the time available to the best i.e. not wasting much time in lengthy and difficult questions, could easily manage an overall good attempt. AR was mostly easy while DI was mostly selective in this paper. As far as Quant is concerned most of the questions were from Algebra, Ratio, and Geometry & TSD and were equally distributed from easy and moderate level. For Verbal section, One should be well versed in vocabulary and reading part. GK should be given very less time and only those questions should be attempted which were known

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