Test Analysis - Bull IIFT 03

Overall Brief
MBA Masterclass

On the whole the level of the test was easy. Many of the questions were of easy & moderate level barring a few difficult questions so the key to getting a good percentile was selection of questions so as to leave difficult questions and save the time for easy and moderate level questions.

Easy Questions:
104, 107-109, 111-119, 121-123

The Quantitative section was of easy level with 16 easy and 3 medium questions. 3 questions were asked from the topic of TSD out of which two questions were moderate. There were three questions from algebra and 1 question from coordinate geometry. Also the paper had 4 questions on geometry and they were of easy to moderate level. There were two questions on permutation and combination and they were easy to solve. The paper had 2 questions on HCF/LCM, 2 questions on ratio, one question each on stocks and shares, time and work, number system. All these questions were easy and doable in the given time.
One could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting 16-18 questions with 85 - 90% accuracy.

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Easy Questions:
62-66, 69-78, 84-92, 94 – 97

The DI & LR section was of easy level with 28 easy, 13 medium & 1 difficult question. There was one question of series which was easy. The 2 questions on coding were also easy. There were 2 questions on relations and 1 on direction and they were easy. There were two questions on syllogism which were also easy.
In the AR part, the set on the six geologists was easy whereas the second set on persons working in a bank was of moderate level.
There were two blocks of tables having 4 questions each and both of these sets were easy. The set on the stockbroker was of moderate level. The bar graph on FEI was also of the moderate level. There were 6 questions on data sufficiency and they were easy to solve.
The overall feel of the section was easy and one could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting around 30 - 32 questions with 80-85% accuracy.

Easy Questions:

The Verbal section was moderate. First set of questions Q(26,27,36,37) consists of Complete para jumbling. All questions were of medium level except Q (36) which was easy and Q (27) which was difficult. Another set of questions Q (28, 29) was based on correct spellings. Both were easy. Again, questions Q (30, 31, 42, and 43) were based on sentence completion. All questions were of medium level except Q (43) which was easy and Q (31) which was difficult.
Now, questions Q (32, 33, 38, and 39) were based on sentence correction and grammar. All questions were of medium level. Then, Two questions Q(34,35) were based on Analogies . Q (34) was of medium level and Q(35) which was easy. Then, questions Q (40, 41, 44, and 45) were based on vocabulary. All questions were of medium level. Last set of questions Q(46-61) was based on Reading comprehension. 1st paragraph Q (46-49) talked about TRIPs which is a comprehensive set of global trade rules to identify the trademarks. It argues against Rio Summit and WTO with respect to bio diversity which had been explicitly explained in the passage. All questions were easy except questions (46 &47) which were of medium level. Questions were facts based and w.r.t. author. 2nd passage Q (50-53), the author described the place Gartok in Tibet and explained about its beauty and how people survive there. All questions were of medium level. Questions were based on facts, vocabulary and correct statements. 3rd passage Q (54-57) talked about the legal systems of the United States and England and how different they are in their use of legal reasons. All questions were of medium level except Q 56, which was difficult. 4th passage Q (58-61) talked about government laws and how they lack morality. All questions were either moderate or difficult except Q (59) which was easy. One should do 16-18 questions with 80 % accuracy to get 90%ile.

Easy Questions:

This section of the paper was moderate. The paper was covering Business and economy, book’s authors, international and national, finance and banking, sports, Politics, history, science and technology. Very less time should be devoted to this section of the paper. In order to generate a percentile of 90+ a student should have ideally attempted 8-11 questions with 85 – 90% accuracy.

Strategy & Tips

The overall feel of the paper was moderate, though for the students who knew how to manage the time available to the best i.e. not wasting much time in lengthy and difficult questions, could easily manage an overall good attempt. AR was mostly easy while DI was mostly selective in this paper. As far as Quant is concerned most of the questions were from Algebra, Ratio, and Geometry & TSD and were equally distributed from easy and moderate level. For Verbal section, One should be well versed with vocabulary and skills related to comprehensions.

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