CAT 2012 Analysis

The CAT 2012 was a 21 testing day long computer based test starting from 11th October 2012 to 6th November 2012. CAT 2012 witnessed 2 sections with designated time limits that are 70 minutes for 30 questions in each section. Within the allotted time candidates can review the section but as they move on to the next section then they can't go back to the previous section.
MBA Masterclass
Overview of the CAT Paper
Time allotted 140 Minutes
Total no. of questions 60
Marking Scheme Correct Answer: +3
Sections 2
Number of choices 4
Negative Marking Wrong Answer: -1
Overview of Different Sections
Sr. No. Sections No. of Questions Time Allotted Difficulty Level
1 Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning 30 70 Minutes Moderate
2 Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 30 70 Minutes Moderate to Tough

SECTION I: Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Questions Difficulty Level / remarks
1. Reading Comprehension 3 passages 10 (4+3+3) Moderate
2. Verbal Ability Sentence Correction, Fill in the Blanks, Para Jumble, Para Completion, Word Usage 11 Moderate
3. Logical Reasoning Data Arrangement, Seating Arrangement, Logic based 9 Moderate
Overall     30 Moderate
Evaluation:The level of the questions was moderate. Reading comprehension passages were manageable. Only 1 out of the 3 passages was tough. Questions on verbal ability covered entirely every topic of English usage. Logical reasoning witnessed 3 sets with 3 questions each.
SECTION II: Quantitative ability & DI
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Question Difficulty Level /remarks
1. DI: Data Interpretation Combination of Graphs, Pie Chart, Table 9 Moderate-Difficult
2. Quantitative Ability Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Menuration 21 Moderate
Overall     30 Moderate-Difficult
Evaluation: The questions on quantitative ability were based on various topics and involved tough calculations. Overall, this section was difficult and speed, clarity of the fundamentals of DI and immaculate time-management were the key to success in this area.
*Disclaimer: All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs. However, it has nothing to do with original cut-offs.
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