IBSAT 2018 Analysis

IBSAT 2018 was similar to last year’s paper, there were no surprises. As expected Verbal and RC section was easy while Quant and DI were moderate. Overall feel of the paper was moderate.
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Overview of the paper:
There were 140 questions (4 Sections) in all and the time allotted was 2 hrs. The four sections were as follows:
Overview of Different Sections
Sections No. of questions Marks per question Total Marks
Verbal Ability 50 1 50
Reading Comprehension 30 1 30
Quantitative Aptitude 30 1 30
 DI & DS 30 1 30
Total 140 140
Overview of the IBSAT
Exam Mode Online Computer Based Test
Time allotted 2 Hrs.
Total Questions 140
Total Maximum Marks 140
Number of Sections 4
Number of choices 5
Marking Scheme +1 for each correct answer
Negative Marking No
SECTION I:Verbal Ability
Evaluation: Verbal section had types of verbal questions ranging from vocabulary based questions to grammar based questions. Grammar part was comparatively easier, Vocabulary questions were moderate to difficult. Vocabulary based questions included synonyms ,antonyms, one word substitution, Grammar included error spotting ,fill in the blanks, there were questions based on jumble sentences as well.30-35 in 30 minutes can be considered good attempt.
Good Attempt: 30 to 35 questions in about 30 minutes.
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SECTION II: Reading Comprehension:
Reading section was easier, there were 30 questions and 4 passages(500-600 words).Questions asked were mainly factual and direct, The time consuming ones were the inference based.
Good Attempt: 18 to 22 questions in about 25 minutes.
SECTION III: Quantitative Aptitude
Evaluation: . There were questions based on number system, percentage, geometry, permutation & combination, S.I/CI ratio etc. Geometry and mensuration dominated the section and there were 7 questions on this topic. Some of them were calculation intensive. Overall the feel of the section was moderate and selection of questions was important to get hold on the paper.
Good Attempt: 20 to 23 questions in about 35 - 40 minutes.
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Evaluation: There were 15 questions on DS and 15 of DI.in DI line graph and pie graphs were there. Question in graphs required basic knowledge of % change etc.over all feel of the section was moderate
Good Attempt: 20-22 questions in about 30 minutes.
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