XAT Percentile Predictor

XAT is a popular entrance exam conducted by Xavier Labour Relation Institute (XLRI), Jamshedpur. It is a key to admission in top B-schools like XLRI, XIMB, IMT, etc. With over 1.3 Lakh candidates appearing for XAT annually, getting a high score is incumbent to get shortlisted by these institutes.
XAT 2025 was held on 25th January 2025 and the result was declared after two weeks of the exam date. After the exam, candidates are naturally anxious to evaluate their performance and estimate their approximate score. To assist you in a better way, our mentors have come up with a percentile predictor for XAT 2025.
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XAT Percentile Predictor
Your percentile in XAT is dependent on the following three factors: the number of test takers in XAT 2025, the difficulty level of the exam, the number of attempted questions, and the accuracy of your attempts. Based on these factors, the predictor will calculate your expected percentile. It is always better to make use of the predictor right after taking the exam since then you remember your number of attempts and other parameters most precisely.
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Steps for using Percentile Predictor
Given below are the steps for the correct usage of the XAT Percentile Predictor:
  • Click on the given link for the ‘XAT Percentile Predictor’. You will be asked to ‘sign up’ if you are not already registered.
  • After you log in, you will be required to fill in the basic details.
  • Once you have entered the number of correct answers and attempted questions, you will learn about your overall and sectional XAT percentile.
  • Next, you will have a glimpse of the colleges accepting XAT score, and you can expect calls from.
  • Finally, you will be provided with B-school counseling sessions for applying to the top colleges.
Apart from the overall percentile, some B-schools consider your sectional percentile in XAT. You will get a probable figure of your actual XAT percentile with the help of predictor. So, do feed the accurate details in predictor form. As per your computed percentile, you will be able to see which B-schools you can get a call from.
Important Information regarding XAT scores
In part 1 of the XAT exam, you will be tested for your skills in Verbal Ability, Logical/Analytical Reasoning, Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, and Decision Making. And part 2 of the exam evaluates your general awareness (GK) and Essay Writing skills. Note that part 2 of the paper is not included the final score. However, your scores in this part are taken into account during the admission process.
By the time, the XAT result is declared, you should be ready for further selection rounds like GD, GE, WAT, and PI. In addition to the XAT percentile, your profile and score in the subsequent rounds play a significant role in the final selection. In case of XLRI, XAT scores/percentile are alloted a weightage of 60% in the admission criteria while the remaining weightage is given to your profile, work experience, your performance in GD-PI and similar other factors.
For detailed information about the admission process of different B-schools, you must check their official sites and prepare accordingly.
XAT Decision making ebook
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