XAT 2017 Answer Key

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XLRI conducts the XAT every year in the first week of January on behalf of Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI). XAT, which is a paper based test, is the gateway to many prestigious MBA institutes all over the country. The exam is markedly different from the other MBA entrance exams as it features a section on Decision Making. This is an area that checks your management aptitude by presenting different situations and cases, and asks you to identify the correct course of action in these situations.

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XAT 2017 Analysis
XAT 2017 Analysis
XAT 2017 Question Paper
XAT 2017 Question Paper
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The various areas tested in XAT are Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, Verbal & Logical Ability, Decision Making & Analytical Reasoning, and General Knowledge. The XAT paper is divided in two sections. The first part consists of objective-type questions and has questions from Verbal & LR, Quant & DI and Decision-making. The second Part consists of General Awareness questions and an essay. This year, the pattern of the test will be similar to XAT 2016. The few significant changes introduced in 2016 were: Candidates had to solve 78 questions in 170 minutes. Also, students had a choice of not attempting 13 questions. Beyond this, any un-attempted question carried the negative mark of 0.05. For Paper 2, the time allowed to answer both GK and Essay was 35 minutes. All the GK questions were "General" in nature rather than "specific". There was no negative marking in this section.
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