Past Year XAT Essay Topics and Model Essay

One of the most challenging aspects of the XAT is the section on Essay writing. It is clubbed with General Knowledge, and applicants are given a composite time of 25 minutes for both sections. XAT essay writing is unique as it is a part of the first stage of the admission process, unlike WATs which form a component of the GD/ PI stage. Thus, every candidate appearing for XAT has to prepare for the Essay.
However, the essay writing section didn't appear in XAT from 2019-21. In 2022, the section was reintroduced and is likely to continue in XAT 2024 as well.
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Previous year XAT - Essay Topics
Given below is a list of XAT essay topics as asked in the previous years:
  • *2022: Capitalism and democracy cannot co-exist.
    In a management, we don't need people who have never experienced setbacks.
  • 2018: Ethical practices and sustainability: do they co-exist?
  • 2017: Globalization and Jingoism always coexist.
  • 2016: Technology and Nature are natural enemies.
  • 2015: Listening is a dying art. We hardly listen to understand. We only listen to refute or reply.
  • 2014: The most beautiful thing can neither be seen nor be touched but can only be felt.
  • 2013: Corruption is the root cause of economic slowdown in India.
  • 2012: Government is not addressing the root cause of poverty.
Government is not able to implement the policies properly due to the huge magnitude of poverty.
  • 2011: The statesman who would attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted to no council and senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.
  • 2010: Earth provides enough to satisfy everybody's need but not everybody's greed.
*Similar to 2012, in XAT 2022, two topics were given and the candidates could write on any one of their choice.
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Sample Essay
Listening is a dying art. We hardly listen to understand. We only listen to refute or reply.
"It takes two to speak the truth - one to speak and another to hear."
― Henry David Thoreau
The pursuit of knowledge distinguishes man from beast. However, it has never been linear or smooth, being interrupted and redirected by dogmas, suppression and extremism. Democratic systems were supposed to provide freedom of speech but limitations still exist due to our inability to listen without ulterior motives.
Selective listening is a hurdle in our efforts to synthesize diverse viewpoint. Political discourse in the country has been reduced to a sham, as opposition leaders are more interested in finding faults in the government, rather than discussing our nation's problems. Public debates are limited to finger pointing and name-calling, as there is no room left for listening to voices of disagreement.
Fault lies with the media as well, wherein quality of journalism has somehow become a function of the decibel levels of news anchors. While discussions in news channels are supposed to highlight national problems, they now behave like entertainment channels, with the sole aim of increasing TRPs.
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As we continue to embrace liberalism, there is a greater need to adopt it more comprehensively. When we open our mind and heart to different views, only then will true harmony be established. When we stop being offended at the slightest opposition, only then will social consciousness strengthen. When we actually start listening, only then will we speak in one voice.
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