The Art of Effective Essay Writing

Essay Writing forms an essential part of selection process in top B-schools. Generally known a WAT (written ability test), it is devised to evaluate the writing skills of management aspirants. Since the test features a variety of topics from different areas, students are often curious to know about the standard format and way of writing essays. Essays are judged on a set range of parameters like relevancy, language, novelty, etc.
In this article, we have briefed about the key aspects of Essay Writing along with the a list of preparation tips.
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Evaluation Parameters for an Essay
The examiner checks whether the essay flows logically from one paragraph to the other, or not. A well-structured and ordered representation of arguments and ideas is bound to fetch good marks whereas illogically ordered ideas and poorly connected arguments result are penalised.
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Since your knowledge is tested in the written test, it is essential that you are aware of the ongoing debates in the public media and important events, personalities, laws etc. as such facts are effective in corroborating your arguments or opinions in the essay.
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Innovative Ideas
As future managers, you will be expected to generate new ideas as a part of your job. Hence, evaluators expect your essay to be replete with innovative and original ideas. Mere repetition of experts' opinions is not recommended in an essay.
The evaluators deduct marks for any view that they perceive to be extremist, prejudiced, unreasonable and unscientific. Effective managerial and leadership skills call for unbiased and reasonable descision-making. Therefore, the examiners expect a balanced view in the candidate's essay that reflects his/her rational mind.
This is very important in any essay. Marks are deducted for grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.

Preparation Strategy for Essay Writing Tests
Now that you are acquainted with the evaluation criteria for essay, you can now devise a sound strategy to write a distinctive essay. Since you have to write only 100-400 words, there is little room for beating around the bush. keep the following tips in mind to ace the essay writing stage of MBA admissions:
  • To start with, you are required to follow a classical Introduction-Body-Conclusion Structure while writing an essay. Introduction of the essay must express a broad view of the topic, which gives the examiner an impression of your understanding of the topic The body of the essay should focus on analyzing the topic from as many different perspectives as possible by neatly dividing the essay in points or paragraphs. Ideally, one paragraph should contain only one idea. The conclusion should end with your own opinion, ideas and suggestions which are forward looking and optimistic..
  • Your essay must be content-rich and relevant. To achieve this quality in essay, you must read on a regular basis. You can go through newspapers, current affairs magazines, fiction and non-fiction books. It would be wise to read articles of reputed writers/ journalists. This will aid you in forming an independent opinion on current issues of national and international importance which in turn, help you in suggesting new solutions and ideas. On the whole, a good reading routine arms you with necessary facts, examples and information to strengthen your viewpoints and fetch you an excellent score.
  • You must understand that examiners are evaluating future managers. As managers interact with people from all walks of life, any prejudiced attitude is not suited for their position. Hence, make it a point to exhibit your opinions rationally and logically.
  • As far as grammar proficiency is concerned, we suggest that you re-visit Standard English Grammar books studied in school. Also, you may refer to "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis to review basic grammar rules. Remember, impressive essays do not always have excessive jargon or atypical words. Essays written in simple and lucid language, with due regard to grammar and punctuation rules will always stand you in good stead.
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    Last but not the least, lots and lots of practice is the only way to go if you want to score well in Essay. Pick up topics from a wide variety of areas and practice writing an essay in 20 minutes. Make sure that you adhere to the time and word limit. Also, get the essay evaluated from an experienced teacher on a regular basis.
    Rest assured, if you follow a methodical approach to essay writing, there is no reason for you not to rock the exam! For a detailed discussion on Essay Writing Click Here
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