TISSNET Exam Pattern 2024

“Knowledge is, having the right answer. Intelligence is, asking the right question.”
If you aim to ace TISSNET, you must know about its detailed exam structure. Once you are well-versed with TISSNET exam pattern 2024, you can devise a sound preparation strategy for the exam day. So, here we give the complete description of TISSNET exam format and the related information.
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TISSNET Exam Pattern 2024: Overview
The following table shows the key features of TISSNET:
Mode Computer-based online test
Number of Sections 3
Areas of Testing General Awareness, Mathematics, Logical Reasoning, and English Proficiency
Negative Marking No negative marking
Duration 1 hr 40 min (100 min)
Number of questions 100
Question Type Objective questions with 4 or 5 options
TISSNET Exam Pattern 2024: Section-wise Division
Here is the sectional breakup of TISSNET:
Sections No. of Questions Total Marks
General Awareness 40 40
Mathematics and Logical Reasoning 30 30
English Proficiency 30 30
Total 100 100
Main Features of TISSNET paper pattern:
  • One mark awarded for each correct answer
  • No individual sectional cut-offs; except for General Awareness
  • Sectional cut-off of 35% for General category candidates; 30% for OBC (NC) and PWD; No Sectional Cut off for SC/ST
  • No sectional time limits
  • Different TISSNET cut-offs specified for different M.A./M.Sc. and other master's degree programmes.
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TISSNET Exam Pattern: Section-wise Details
Different sections of the exam carry different weightage and are devised to check the candidates' awareness level and decision-making skills. As shown in the above-given tables, each question carries equal marks yet the number of questions varies from one question to another. So, here we provide the details of all the sections as per the TISSNET exam pattern 2024, along with some quick preparation tips:
    1. The General Awareness section (including Social Issues) contains 40 questions which are moderate to difficult types. If you are zealous and enthusiastic about gathering all the latest information about what is happening around the world, this section will be a cakewalk for you. So, stay updated on significant Politico- Social events and topics ranging from Culture, Sports, Famous Personalities and Places, History, Geography, Theatre, etc.
    2. The 30 questions from Mathematics and Logical Reasoning section test your analytical and numerical abilities. The broad areas covered in this section include mathematical concepts like prime numbers, composite numbers, ratios, percentages, averages, time and work, etc. Apart from this, there are questions based on graphical data, family trees, analogies, conclusions based on given premises, etc. To ace your preparation in this section, all you need to do is revise your basic concepts and the ability to analyze the given data or information.
    3. A total of 30 questions constitute the English Proficiency section. Reading Comprehension, Sentence Formation, Error Spotting, Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, Antonyms, Synonyms, One Word Substitution are some of the covered areas. You should have proper knowledge and understanding of the language, vocabulary skills and grammar to be proficient in this section.
TISSNET 2024: Important Things to Know
Apart from TISSNET exam pattern, you need to be aware of other essential information that would keep you away from last-minute panic.
  • The online application for TISS admissions will be available from mid-December 2023.
  • Although the TISSNET exam pattern remains the same broadly as given on the official website, the type and difficulty level of the questions varies from year to year.
  • Only shortlisted candidates (based on the TISSNET score) will receive call letters for the further rounds that will be held in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Guwahati.
  • To get the scorecard, log in to the TISS website and download your score.
TISS Selection Process 2024
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) conducts the National Entrance Examination (NET) once every year for admission into its various master programs offered at its four campuses. The unique nature of the courses TISS offers, with specializations in fields like Economics, Politics, Habitat, Engineering, Health, Environmental Sciences, etc. makes TISSNET one of the most sought-after exams. Thousands of aspirants compete in the exam annually against the limited number of admission seats.
The admission rounds at TISS begin with TISSNET, followed by further assessments. After TISSNET, candidates are shortlisted for the next rounds, which include another test/ extempore and a personal interview. Each selection stage is assigned a particular weightage that finally determines the candidate's final scores. The following table displays the importance of each round in TISS admission:
TISSNET : 50% Extempore : 20% Personal Interview (PI) : 30%
To secure the admission seat in the suitable programme, shortlisted candidates are required to qualify for the Pre-Interview Test/ assessments and Personal Interview. The candidates should be aware that there can be some variations as regards the assessment process for different programmes. Besides, these assessments usually test the candidate's general knowledge, clarity of mind, and communication skills.
So, now that you have all the information regarding TISSNET exam pattern, you can proceed to gather the essential study resources and make a proper preparation schedule.