MAT 2018 Analysis

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Management Aptitude Test (MAT 2018) is a national level test conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) to screen candidates for admission to MBA and allied programs offered by the various B-schools of the country who will participate in the MAT 2018. It is conducted four times in a year, i.e. in the month of May, September, December, and February. Candidates can choose to take either Paper Based Test or Computer Based Test as per their convenience. The pattern of MAT December was similar to previous MATs but this time the difficulty level was a little higher.
Comprehensive Analysis of MAT December 2018
MAT December 2018: Broad analysis
MAT December 2018 (PBT 1) was held on December 9, 2018. There were 200 questions comprising five sections viz. Language Comprehension, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Indian and Global Environment with 40 questions in each section. The level of difficulty was moderate to difficult.
The basic purpose of the exam analysis is to make test takers aware about the types of questions, number of questions, marking scheme, level of difficulty, sectional weightage, and duration of the exam.
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Exam Pattern December 2018 MAT Exam
Further, following table will give you insights about the marks distribution and the level of difficulty of different sections in the test.
Section Total Question Total Marks Difficulty Level
Language Comprehension 40 40 Moderate to difficult
Mathematical skills 40 40 Moderate- Difficult
Data Analysis and Sufficiency 40 40 Moderate-Difficult
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning 40 40 Moderate to difficult
Indian and Global Environment 40 40 Moderate - Difficult
Overall Summary – Different Sections
Mathematical Skills
Question topics No. of questions
Time & work 3
Pipe & Cistern 3
Time & distance 4
Number system   2
Geometry, Mensuration  6
Partnership 4
Ratio/Fraction/Proportion 6
Profit & Loss/Percentage 5
Simple interest/Compound interest 2
Probability, Permutation & Combination 4
Others 1
Total 40
This section was dominated by arithmetic questions which were around 18 and followed by geometry & mensuration, permutation & probability etc. The questions were a little time consuming and tricky. One should have a conceptual clarity of conventional topics such as time & work, profit loss, percentage, SI/CI to score well in this section.
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Data Analysis and Sufficiency
Question topics No. of questions
Line + Bar 5
Bar diagram 5
Line diagram 5
Pie charts 5
Case lets 5
Data sufficiency 5
Data Analysis & Comparison 5
Bar + Pie 5
Total 40
There were tricky questions on data interpretation which were maximum in number and rest of the questions were of Data sufficiency, data analysis & comparison. Overall, this section was moderate and needed speed and accuracy to score well.
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
Question topics No. of questions
Cause - effect 5
Statement – Assumption/Reason 5
Statement Conclusion 2
Blood Relation 6
Symboperation 5
Series 2
Coding/decoding 1
AR Blocks 10
Clock and calendars 2
Others 2
Total 40
This section was dominated by Analytical & Logical Reasoning. This section also had a few tricky questions based on verbal reasoning.
Language Comprehension
Question topics No. of questions
Vocab 6
Sentence Improvement 3
RC passages 20
Idioms 3
Sentence Rearrangement 3
Sentence Completion 3
One word Substitution 2
Total 40
As usual this time also the Language Comprehension section had four RCs with five questions each. RCs this time were tricky in terms of understanding and questions were also tricky. So it is important to learn the tricks to solve different types of questions, based on Reading comprehension. After RCs, the other dominated section was of vocabulary. There were nine questions based on vocabulary and they included sentence-completion, idioms and one word substitutions. There were a few questions (three each) based on grammar part –error and sentence rearrangement. The overall feel of the section was moderate to tough.
Indian and Global Environment
  • This time in this section questions predominantly focused on the current affairs with utmost importance given to general awareness with almost more than half of the questions being asked from the current affairs.
  • Good study of the current financial condition of the country could also be helpful for cracking some questions.
  • The level of this section could be considered as moderate.
  • For those who spend good time reading the newspaper this section could have appeared to be comparatively easy.
  • At least 10-15 minutes should have been given to this section.
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