MAT 2013 Analysis

MAT Dec 2013 was almost similar to MAT Dec 2012 as the format was exactly the same as that of last year’s. There was no change in marking scheme. The important thing was time management. One had to pick the easy questions and leave any questions which were difficult or time consuming.

There were 200 questions (5 Sections) and the time allotted was 150 minutes. The five sections were as follows:

Section Sections No. of Questions
(A) (B) (C)
Section -1 Language Comprehension 40
Section -2 Intelligence & Critical Reasoning 40
Section -3 Mathematical Skills 40
Section -4 Data Analysis and Sufficiency 40
Section -5 India and Global Environment 40
  Total 200
Overview of the MAT Dec 2013 Paper
Time Allotted 2Hrs.
Total no. of questions 200
Marking Scheme 1 mark per question
Sections 5
Number of choices 4
Negative Marking 0.25 marks per question
Expected cut-offs* 75+ marks out of 160 (Excluding GK) for 98+%ile
Section I: Language Comprehension
Area Tested Description No. of Question
Verbal Vocabulary Based 6
Reading Comprehension 20
Sentence Rearrangement 3
Sentence Correction & Grammar 3
Fill in the blanks 4
Critical Reasoning 4
Total 40

Evaluation: In the verbal section, there were five passages with four questions each. The ability of a student was put to test as the passages were from diverse areas. The passages were easy and most of the questions were direct but still the student should be adept at answering the questions correctly. The intention of the author was to give as much information as possible to the readers. The language was easy to understand. The questions were easy and direct. There were four questions based on sentence completion. The questions were from easy to moderate level as the context of the question could be understood but the student should have a good vocabulary in order to answer these questions correctly. Four questions, based on five sentences Para- jumble, were easy. A little time consuming and a little tricky questions were rearrangement of jumbled letters into a meaningful words and then to find, the odd one out. There were four easy to moderate questions based on capturing the essence of text. There were three grammar based questions, which were again easy. There were three vocabulary based questions in which first the given jumbled word was to be rearranged and then its antonym was to be picked up from the given options.

Comfortable Attempt: 22-25 questions in about 30-35 min.

Achievable Score: Around 16+ marks.

Section II: Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
Area Tested Description No. of Question
AR and LR Series 5
Analogies 4
Analytical Reasoning 16
Calendar 2
Verbal Reasoning 10
Blood Relation 3
Total 40

Evaluation: Reasoning was of relatively easy level with very less time consuming questions. This section was a mixture of Analytical and Critical Reasoning. The attempt in the section should have been maximum in order to have a good overall percentile.

Comfortable Attempt: 26-28 questions in about 35-40 min.

Achievable Score: Around 20+ marks.

Section III: Mathematical Skills
Area Tested Description No. of Question
Quant Percentage & Interest 4
P&C Probability 4
Time & Work 5
Geometry 7
Number System 7
Profit & loss 3
Trigonometry 3
Allegation & Mixture 4
Time Speed & Distance 6
Total 40

Evaluation: The section was dominated by question on time and work, speed time distance, probability, geometry etc. This section was of relatively medium level with some time consuming questions which make them avoidable in time pressure. The other questions were moderate.

Comfortable Attempt: 22-25 questions in about 30-35 min

Achievable Score: Around 17+ marks.

Section IV: Data Analysis & Sufficiency
Area Tested Description No. of Question
DI & DS Data Sufficiency 5
Data Caselette 5
Line Graph 5
Data Table 5
Multiple Graph 5
Pie Chart 5
Data Comparison 5
Total 40

Evaluation: DI section was of moderate level with some time consuming questions which make them avoidable in time pressure. Data Comparison and Data Sufficiency questions were easy and should have been attempted.

Comfortable Attempt: 20-22 questions in about 30-35 min.

Achievable Score: Around 16+ marks.

Section V: Indian and Global Environment

Evaluation: Most of the questions were based on current events and happenings. Anyone who is in regular touch with newspaper, magazines and internet would have found this section comfortable and familiar.

Comfortable Attempt: 12-15 questions in about 10-15 min.

Achievable Score: Around 8+ marks.

*Disclaimer:All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs. However, it has nothing to do with original cut-offs.

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