CMAT Previous Year Papers

CMAT previous year papers are officially released every year by NTA. These help you get familiar with the expected exam pattern, difficulty level, and types of questions. Here, you can download the previous year CMAT question papers.
About CMAT
CMAT is the gateway to a large number of reputed AICTE-approved colleges. It is generally held in the month of Match/April. More than 50,000 candidates appear for CMAT every year.
For more details you can refer to CMAT Notification.
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CMAT Previous Year Paper
Keeping in mind the difficulty level and peculiar characteristics of the exam, the best way to prepare for the exam is by solving the previous years' papers. Login and download the previous year paper for CMAT here:
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CMAT Pattern - Analysis
CMAT is a computer-based exam with a time duration of 180 minutes. It consists of 100 multiple-choice questions spread across five sections. There is no sectional time limit and candidates can switch between different sections. Each correct answer carries four marks and for each incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted. Given below is the detailed section-wise break-up of CMAT exam structure:
Sections No. of Questions Total Marks
Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation 20 80
Logical Reasoning 20 80
Language Comprehension 20 80
General Awareness 20 80
Innovation & Entrepreneurship 20 80
Total 100 400
Benefits of CMAT Previous Year Papers
If you want to succeed in your CMAT examination, then previous years’ exam question papers are the way to go. It can be very challenging if you attempt the exam without knowing what is in it. Solving CMAT previous year papers also serves as a good revision technique. Here are other benefits that come with solving last years CMAT question papers:
  • Familiarity with Syllabus- Solving previous years’ question papers for CMAT gives the candidate a crisp idea about the exam syllabus. The questions would help an aspirant to prepare for the important topics for a particular subject of the CMAT examination. Hence, a quick revision of the CMAT topics can be done.
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  • Know the Marking Scheme- Having an idea about the CMAT question paper marking scheme is a must. This way,the candidate will know which section has how much marks allotted to them. Knowing the weightage of each section helps a candidate to prepare well for the examination.
  • Discover & Avoid Mistakes- Practising previous year CMAT papers can help the candidate identify the common mistakes they can do in their final exams. They can eliminate the probability of making those silly mistakes in the final CMAT examination if they attempt the previous years’ question papers.
  • Managing Time- Time management is the essence of clearing all entrance examinations. Although a good schedule and planning help manage time efficiently, solving previous years’ question papers also adds to time management skills. The more a candidate practices, faster they will solve the final CMAT exam.
  • Confidence Build-Up- The key to clearing the CMAT examination is to have a lot of confidence so that the candidate does not waiver from their final goal. Understanding and practising the previous years’ question papers help the candidate boost up their confidence, which is vital for clearing the entrance exam.
The next step after solving the CMAT previous year question papers is to analyse your performance in all the sections. After knowing your weak and strong areas, you must revise the topics you are weak in. You must remember that only practice will not be fruitful without the correct knowledge of the various concepts. Thus, focus on revising the basics of all topics first and then practising as many tests as possible.
We believe that these tips and strategies are helpful in order to create a well-defined strategy for CMAT 2024 preparation plan.
You can also try our mock tests for better preparation. Although not the actual papers, these mock tests replicate the exam pattern, expected questions, and level of difficulty.
Happy preparation!
FAQs about CMAT Previous Year Papers
1. Is CMAT difficult?
CMAT is moderate in difficulty, and can be managed well if you have practised sufficiently.
2. What type of GK comes in CMAT?
GK section in CMAT focuses on both static and current GK. So, you will need to learn about national and international events, economics, scientific developments, and similar other parts of GK.
3. Do CMAT questions repeat?
No, the questions are not repeated in CMAT exam. However, the level of difficulty remains almost same overall.
4. Is MAT and CMAT syllabus same?
MAT and CMAT syllabus is similar to a great extent, except for a few different sections in either exam. Reasoning, GK, English, and Quant/DI are common to both.
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