CAT 2024 Exam Analysis - Check Section-wise Paper Analysis

CAT 2024 Analysis
In-depth CAT 2024 analysis will give insight regarding the candidates' expectations of performance and level of difficulty in different sections. Through analyzing CAT 2024, students will clearly understand the pattern of the entire exam and make points for improvement. The exam pattern is likely to remain the same as the previous years; however, minor changes can affect the scoring patterns. This evaluation framework has three slots and a +3/-1 scoring mechanism for MCQs and +3/0 for non-MCQs, which gives candidates room for strategy fine-tuning. Read More..
CAT 2023 Analysis
The CAT 2023 Exam Analysis is very important in getting a better idea of the attempt made by an aspirant along with the level of difficulty faced in each section. The CAT 2023 exam was successfully conducted today in 3 slots. The conducting body for the exam was IIM Lucknow. The marking scheme also remained the same: +3/-1 for MCQs, and +3/0 for non-MCQs. Mentioned below is the detailed slot-wise analysis for CAT 2023.
CAT 2023 Exam Analysis - Overview
CAT 2023 was not outrightly different from 2022 but did have a slightly higher level of difficulty compared to previous years. The overall cut-offs may see a slight drop this year too. VARC was more or less similar across slots. DILR was difficult for the first 2 slots but students reported more attempts in slot 3. Quant was a question mark for many students with a higher number of algebra questions.
CAT 2023 Exam Analysis- Slot 1
The sections contained the following segmentation for Slot 1:
Section Name
Total No. of Ques.
No. of Multiple Choice Ques.
Number of Non-MCQs (TITA Ques.)
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Ability
Slot 1 of CAT 2023 seems to be more or less in line with last year. However, students did find Quant to be a bit more challenging.
Overall an attempt of 38-48 may be required for 99%ile.Read More..
CAT 2023 Exam Analysis- Slot 2
The sections contained the following segmentation for Slot 2:
Section Name
Total No. of Ques.
No. of Multiple Choice Ques.
Number of Non-MCQs (TITA Ques.)
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Ability
Slot 2 had a similar structure as Slot 1 but could add 4-5 points to the score given that the students were able to attempt more questions in DI and VARC. Quant continued to pose challenges for the students.
Based on our CAT analysis, an overall attempt of 38-46 may be required for 99%ile. Read More..
CAT 2023 Exam Analysis- Slot 3
The sections contained the following segmentation for Slot 3:
Section Name
Total No. of Ques.
No. of Multiple Choice Ques.
Number of Non-MCQs (TITA Ques.)
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Ability
Slot 3 seemed to be the highest scoring among the 3 slots with students reporting higher attempts in the DILR section. Quant continued to pose challenges for the students with a higher percentage of Algebra questions.
Based on our CAT analysis, an overall attempt of 40-48 may be required for 99%ile. Read More..
CAT 2022 Analysis
The students walked into the CAT exam this year assuming and hoping that the conducting body would continue the pattern of last year and avoid any unnecessary surprises and their prayers were answered. CAT 2022 Slot 1 had a total of 66 questions, spread across 3 usual sections. In terms of pattern, structure, and difficulty level, the exam may have been similar to previous CAT exams: Read More..
CAT 2021 Analysis
The CAT 2021 began with suspense on number of questions in slot 1. Students were hoping to do without big surprise but the questions were reduced to 66 in 2021 from 76 in 2020. The difficulty level of the exam followed similar pattern as in last few years wherein verbal was moderate, DILR was most difficult and quant was moderate to difficult.
Slot 3 seemed relatively high scoring with more attempts in both DILR and Quant. Overall; the CAT exam went smoothly as per last available report. Read More..
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CAT 2020 Analysis
The CAT 2020 began with suspense on number of questions in slot 1. It was a question which had been on everybody’s mind since the pattern changes were announced. With 76 questions in all 3 slots, the CAT exam went smoothly as per last available report. The difficulty level across sections and slot was more or less the same barring surprise in VARC section and Quant in Slot 2. As has been the norm, DILR was the toughest section across the slots. Read More..
CAT 2019 Analysis
The general perception is that verbal was slightly difficult compared to last year, but DI and quant either same or marginally easier. There wasn’t much to differentiate between the two Slots with selective feedback on verbal and DI being slightly tougher in slot II. A marginal drop is expected in overall score for 99%ile compared to last year. In terms of overall pattern, structure and difficulty level, the exam was similar to the exam last year. Unlike the common beliefs, the CAT examiners seemed to focus on a candidate’s aptitude rather than testing student’s ability to handle a disruptive pattern.   Read More..

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CAT 2018 Analysis
The CAT examiners did a swing between the sections in terms of difficulty with Quant being the sore point for most of the students. DILR was found to be relatively moderate but tricky. Verbal was easy and found to be similar or a notch above last year. In terms of overall pattern, structure and difficulty level, the exam was very similar to the exam last year. Unlike the common beliefs, the CAT examiners seemed to focus on a candidate’s aptitude rather than testing student’s ability to handle a disruptive pattern. Read More..
CAT 2017 Analysis
The CAT examiners did not spring any major surprise in the exam. In terms of pattern, structure and difficulty level, the exam was very similar to the exam last year. Unlike the common beliefs, the CAT examiners seemed to focus on a candidate’s aptitude rather than testing student’s ability to handle a disruptive pattern. Read More..
CAT 2016 Analysis
So, finally CAT-2016 is done and here you are, reading the analysis for the exam.
Even though this is a rare exception, the CAT examiners did not spring any major surprise in the exam. In terms of pattern, structure and difficulty level, the exam was very similar to the exam last year. Read More..
CAT 2015 Analysis
CAT examiners had few surprise for everyone this year again. The very 1st surprise was that the paper was in line with the sample paper CAT had given on their website – a first in the history of CAT.
The paper consisted of three sections: namely, 'Quantitative Aptitude (QA)', 'Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)' and 'Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)', with 34, 32 and 34 questions, respectively. The order of the sections was fixed, with a sectional time limit of 60 minutes.
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The exam was conducted in two time slots. The pattern & style was almost similar in both the slots. Even the no of questions from particular area were also exactly same like both slot had one question on P&C & circular track…etc. However in the second slot, Quant as well as LR section was comparatively difficult than first slot. Read More..
CAT 2014 Analysis
Computer based CAT 2014 was held on two days, 16th and 22nd November, 2014. The total number of questions was 100, with a time limit of 170 minutes. There was no time restriction for any section. Hence, one could switch over to any section during the exam. The overall impression of the paper was moderate, except for the AR and DI sections. In fact, Analytical Reasoning and Data Interpretation questions were relatively easy to moderate in the paper conducted on the second day i.e. 22nd Nov, as reported by the students. Read More..
CAT 2013 Analysis
The CAT 2013 was a 27 testing day long computer based test starting from 16th October 2013 to 11th November 2013. CAT 2013 witnessed 2 sections with designated time limits that are 70 minutes for 30 questions in each section. Within the allotted time candidates can review the section but as they move on to the next section then they can't go back to the previous section. Read More..
CAT 2012 Analysis
The CAT 2012 was a 21 testing day long computer based test starting from 11th October 2012 to 6th November 2012. CAT 2012 witnessed 2 sections with designated time limits that are 70 minutes for 30 questions in each section. Within the allotted time candidates can review the section but as they move on to the next section then they can't go back to the previous section. Read More..
CAT 2011 Analysis
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is conducted by IIMs every year for short listing candidates for post graduate programs. The CAT score is used by many other institutes as well. CAT is a computer based online test. CAT 2011 started from 22nd October 2011 to 18th November 2011. CAT 2011 witnessed 2 sections instead of 3 sections as in the earlier versions of CAT with designated time limits that are 70 minutes for 30 questions in each section. Within the allotted time candidates can review the section but as they move on to the next section then they can't go back to the previous section. Read More..
CAT 2010 Analysis
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is conducted by IIMs every year for short listing candidates for post graduate programs. The CAT score is used by many other institutes as well. CAT is a computer based online test. CAT 2010 witnessed 3 sections similarly as previous year. It was more of an aptitude test unlike previous year. There was fair balance between all the 3 sections with more or less similar toughness levels. Read More..
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