Test Analysis, & Strategy 2023 WIN CAT 15

Overall Brief

On the whole the level of the test was moderate. The test contained many moderate and difficult questions and hence the important factor was selection of appropriate questions to attempt.Quantsection was tougher than reasoning section. Verbal section was moderate. The key to getting a good percentile was time management and selection of questions.

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Verbal Ability
Easy Questions:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 17, 18, 19

The first passage (1-4)discusses the growing importance of the human capital over the time; which includes skills, experience and knowledge possessed by an individual, which makes them an important asset of an organization. He also discussed that in the past, in their pursuit of knowledge and experience, people often took up jobs without pay. The level of difficulty of this passage was easy. In the second passage (5-8), author discusses Jawaharlal Nehru’s rapid and unparalleled progress in the congress’ hierarchy; owing greatly to Gandhi’s adoption of him as his protégé. It traces his life history and political career as an avid democrat. By the end of the passage, we also get to know that how his ideas and ideologies were in contrast to his father’s British Imperialist policies. This passage was easy to moderate in difficulty level. Though the third passage (9-12) was a little lengthy, but its comprehension was easy. This passage highlights the peculiarities of the human eyesight. It explains that in humans, forward-looking eyes and tri-chromatic vision is a result of evolutionary development. Unlike some other mammals mentioned in the passage, we humans and some species of monkeys have evolved a re-green photoreceptor overlap. For us, seeing instead of scenting has become primary. This passage was easy to moderate in difficulty level. The fourth passage (13-16)underscores the true meaning of the term- ‘vote-bank politics and the tendencies that make us believe it has a negative connotation, when it actually doesn’t. Authors expounds that the pressure of vote-bank politics, keeps a check on the political parties to do more for its voters. This passage was moderate in level of difficulty. Questions (17-19) were based on para-summary and these questions were easy in level of difficulty. Questions (20-22) were sentence- rearrangement questions and were moderate to difficult- level questions. Questions 23 and 24 were based on ‘fit the sentence appropriately’ in the paragraph. This included one moderate and one difficult level questions. Overall, the verbal section of this mock was more on moderate level of difficulty with an expected level of 85% of accuracy with 90+ percentile if a candidate attempts around 16 to 18 questions.

DI & Reasoning
Easy Questions:
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 41, 42, 43, 44

The difficulty level of DI was Hard. There were 9 easy, 6 medium and 5 difficult questions in this section. The first and fifth blocks (The school 12 student information,6 friends from different cities) were easiest and were must do and by attempting a couple of questions from rest of the blocks, one could have fetched a very good percentile.

In this section, one could have fetched 90+ percentile by attempting 9-12 questions with approx. 80 % accuracy.

Quantitative Ability
Easy Questions:
48, 61, 63

Students found this section easier than DI this time. The Quantitative section had 3 easy, 14 medium and 5 difficult questions. Selection of questions was important to crack this section. There were questions from varied topics like Geometry, Basic Numbers, Basic Algebra, Progression and Series, Arithmetic (Percentages/Time and Work/Mixtures/Percentages/SI-CI/Ratios). A good student could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting around 9-12 questions with approx. 80% accuracy.

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Strategy & Tips

The overall feel of the paper was moderate, though for the students who knew how to manage the time available to the best i.e., not wasting much time in lengthy and difficult questions, could easily manage an overall good attempt. Quant section was tougher than reasoning section Verbal section was moderate. Most of the questions in quant section were from Arithmetic, Algebra, Number system and Geometry. For verbal section, one should have good reading skills as there were 4 RC’s and also a few questions based on paragraph summary. One must focus on contextual vocabulary as well to understand and score well in RC passages. Questions such as sentence rearrangement and placement require analysis and knowledge of tricks to answer the questions. It is not advisable to spend too much time on TITA questions especially in the verbal section.

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