10 Books for Newbie Readers

Reading books can be a pain, especially for those who are not in the habit of reading. But the weightage of RC section in CAT and other management entrance tests calls for an effective reading routine for the aspirants. Reading books also assists you in mastering the other parts of verbal ability. But how do you start? This is the most obvious question that bothers many students. It is not practically possible to become an avid reader in a few days. Yet you need to start somewhere small to reach the higher aim.
So, here we list down certain tips to help you develop a reading habit. You can also go through the top 10 books suggested by our experts.
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How to kickstart a Reading Habit?
Keep the following things in mind while you take on your reading journey:
  • Begin with something light and interesting: What should be your aim when you start reading? The aim is not to read a book, get bored and then quit the habit. The aim is to develop a long-term sustainable habit of reading. How do you do that? You achieve that by picking up stuff that is not too taxing.
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  • Pick books from your interest area: If there is a clear area or stream of thought you identify with, then start with books from that area. These could be sports, science, detective stories, short stories, poetry, technology, business, physics and so on. Essentially, we are talking about just any subject in the world. Identify the one that creates a buzz in you and dig into books from that particular stream of thought. You will often notice that you tend to read faster and more efficiently when you read something that interests you. This will eventually boost up your speed in the exams.
  • Pick books you can debate with your family and friends:There is no better intellectual stimulation than getting into debates. Pick up books which your friends and family members are reading and get into some healthy discussions. These would not only motivate you to read more but also improve your comprehension abilities.

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Top Books to begin with:
The following is a list of easy-to-read books that you can start from. In general, the books at the start of the list are light and non-serious reads and towards the end, the books turn a little serious kind (though still easy to read).
  • Five point someone by Chetan Bhagat (Fiction)
  • Mediocre but Arrogant (MBA) by Abhijit Bhaduri (Fiction)
  • Inscrutable American (Fiction)
  • Tin Fish by Sudeep Chakravarti (Fiction)
  • Masters of the Game by Sidney Sheldon (Fiction)
  • Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach (Motivation)
  • The Little Prince by Antoine de saint-exupéry (Fiction)
  • Siddartha by Hermann Hesse (Fiction)
  • Stay Hungry Stay Foolish by Rashmi Bansal (Non-Fiction)
  • The story of my life by Helen Keller (Non-Fiction)
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Pick any book from the given list or choose any book of your choice; the important point is, you should become an regular reader. In the next stage, you will soon turn into a diverse and smart reader. For more types of books and their sources, refer to our E-library section.
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