MBA tests analysis IBSAT 2014

Analysis: IBSAT 2014

IBSAT (ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test) is the gateway to the nine IBS campuses in Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Pune, Dehradun and Jaipur. IBSAT is a computer-based test conducted during a 16-day window from December 15 - 30 across 100 centers in India.

IBSAT Test Pattern

IBSAT has 140 questions to be completed in 2 hours, distributed across 4 sections. There is no sectional cut-off and no sectional time limit in this exam. Each question carries 1 mark.

Overview of IBSAT Paper
Time allotted 2 Hrs.
Total number of questions 140
Total Marks 140
Marks per Question 1
Sections 4
Number of options in a question 5
Negative Marking NO
Sectional Breakup
Section Number of Questions
Verbal Ability 50
Reading Comprehension 30
Quantitative Aptitude 30
Data Adequacy & Data Interpretation 30
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