Guide to ISB Admission Essays

ISB, one of the leading B-schools in India, includes essay writing in its application process. The institute tends to evaluate the overall personality of the candidate through his/her essay. Generally, there are two essays, but for the re-applicant, there is an additional third essay to be written. In this article, you will learn about the correct approach for ISB essays and previous year essay topics.
ISB Essays: Previous years Essay Topics
ISB Essay topics are framed to find out your strengths, weaknesses, ideas, career plans, etc. Two essays are mandatory for new applicants while the re-applicants need to write a third essay too. Given below are the previous year essay topics for ISB application:
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ISB Essay Topics 2019
  • There will be 900 students in the class of 2021. Why should you be one of them? (400 words)
  • What will you be doing in 2025 and 2030? How will the ISB PGP programme help you to achieve these goals? (400 words)
ISB Essay Topics 2018
  • At ISB, we value diversity as it enhances both the in-class and out of class learning experience. Tell us how you would contribute to the same? (400 words)
  • Enrolling in a Business School is an important career decision. Critically look at your career to date, the choices you have made, the key influences behind those choices, your goals for the future and how do you think ISB's PGP can help you in achieving your goals? (300 words)
ISB Essay Topics 2017
  • If we were to admit just one more candidate to the Postgraduate Programme (PGP) at the ISB, why should it be you? (500 words)
  • Describe your short and long term career plans. How does the PGP fit in with those? (300 words)
The above list shows the first two essay topics for each applicant. In the third (re-applicant) essay, the candidate is asked to ‘highlight significant changes in his/her profile from the time he/she applied last time’ in 200 words.
ISB Essays: Evaluation Parameters
While your academic efficiency is gauged through your grades and score in GMAT/GRE, the other important parameters are evaluated from your essay. The following are some essential traits reflected in your essay:
  • Leadership Skills
  • The leadership skills of the candidate are measured by the candidate’s performance in his/her current and previous jobs. Candidate needs to shed some light on the initiatives and responsibilities undertaken at the workplace. This may also include other accomplishments and achievements in his career.
  • Personal attributes
  • Your personal attributes are assessed by your interests, hobbies and extra-curriculars. You may cite instances from personal life to highlight your prominent personality traits. ISB looks for candidates with a well-rounded personality.
The Right Structure for ISB Application Essay
Since there is a word limit for ISB admission essays, it is essential to strategize the essay structure. A general essay is made up of three main parts: Introduction, body (main part) and conclusion. According to the given word limit, you can choose the structure of your essay in the following way:
  • Introduction
  • The introductory part of the essay should give a glimpse of your achievements and traits that differentiate you from others. You can write this part in about 50 words.
  • Body (Main part)
  • In the main part of the essay, you are expected to describe the occasions/incidents that focus on your essential qualities and goals. You can narrate two such examples of 100-150 words each. This part can be finished in 200-300 words.
  • Conclusion
  • This is the final part of the essay. Here, you can connect the initial two parts of the essay and sum up your future plans.
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Final Tips: Do’s and Don’ts of ISB Application Essays
  • Make sure that your essay is relevant to the essay topic.
  • Try to write about the instances from the last 2-3 years. If you wish to describe an older event, ensure that your essay mirrors the event’s influence on you.
  • Your content should be original and unique. This way, you will be able to justify what makes you different from other candidates.
  • Try to relate your past career experience to your future aspirations.
  • Your essay should display your reasons to opt for the course and institute. Also, explain about the gap in your academics, if any.
  • Do not repeat the details given in your resume.
  • Do not go into too much detail of the event
  • Finally, avoid being vague or stating unrealistic goals.
ISB values clarity of thought in management aspirants. It is a good idea to learn about ISB from all angles before you start your essay preparation.

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