MBA Colleges in Cuttack

Why MBA from Cuttack?
Chief Technology Officer, Computer and Information Systems Manager, Financial Manager, Management Consultant, Investment Banker, Marketing Manager etc., the above mentioned are the type of job profiles which one can aspire to be in after completing an MBA programme. Graduates should prepare for various MBA entrances like CAT, XAT, CMAT etc and study other parameters such as average placement, admission process, fee structure of top MBA colleges in Cuttack. This article attempts to cover some vital points regarding MBA colleges present in Cuttack.
Some of the parameters we used to judge these MBA colleges included:-
  • Faculty Experience
  • Industry Exposure
  • University Collaborations
  • Physical Infrastructure
  • Average Package
Our industry experts with more than 20 years of experience have rated these top MBA colleges on the above factors, and this quantitative data has been then supplemented with qualitative factors such as student feedback, faculty accessibility etc. to give you one of the best B-school ranking lists available online.
MBA colleges in Cuttack accepting CAT, XAT, CMAT and GMAT scores:-
  • As a management aspirant, you should be aware of the list of best MBA colleges that accept CAT, XAT or GMAT scores for the final intake of students in the two-year management program.
  • One of the top universities to pursue MBA, Ravenshaw University, came into existence in the tear 2006. It has carved a niche in the education sector by pursuing academic excellence. In the year 2008, Ravenshaw achieved another milestone by establishing the Department of Business Administration envisioning excellence in the field of managerial pursuits. One of the best MBA colleges to pursue MBA in Cuttack, it prepares students for the corporate world by exposing them to real-life situations of the business organizations. Students are benefitted when they have an interface with corporate leaders who share their experiences with them.
  • One of the top MBA universities to pursue management is Sri Sri University. It accepts CAT/MAT/XAT/GMAT/NMAT/SNAP/CMAT scores for the intake of students for enrollment to the management programs. It provides MBA in two other fields namely, agri-business management and entrepreneurship. The unique feature of this university is that students are equipped with principles and practices of agricultural production, and elements related to marketing and supply chain management. The students also get an opportunity to interact with industry leaders to get a better understanding of the global trends.
Cuttack – Preferred city to pursue Management Programs (MBA)
Let’s have a look at the reasons:-
  1. Epicenter for various business activities:-
  2. The economy of Cuttack is mainly agrarian. Another contributor to the economy of this city is Prawn culture. The industrial sector is robust and one of the oldest sector in Odisha. Many skill-based medium and small scale industries are running their operations in the Jagatpur. Other areas of importance are Choudwar, which is better known for Ferroalloys and Athagarh known for handloom works. Major industries including steel, power, automobile, alloys, fireclay etc. have their industrial operations in this city.
  3. Immense career opportunities for Management students:-
  4. An added advantage to this city is that Paradip Port is just 87 km away from Cuttack. Another prominent firm known as the OSL group (Stevedore Firm) has headquarters in Cuttack. This city is a major centre for various business operations as it serves a nodal point of trade and transport. A youth equipped with requisite skill and knowledge will have innumerable opportunities for growth in Cuttack. It is a city in east India, and it is the centre of economic, political and business activities. Cuttack has witnessed tremendous growth in various industrial sectors.
Let’s have a look at the fee structure and the average salary structure of various colleges:-
MBA colleges in Cuttack - Fee structure and average salary (subject to revision):-
Name of Colleges
Fee Structure
Avg. Placement Salary
Ravenshaw University (Dept. of Mgt. Studies)
Rs. 49,000(annual fees)
Rs  2.5 LPA (approx.)
Sri Sri University
Rs  6,60,000 (total fees)
Rs  7.15 LPA
The best business colleges in India are the ones which offer management education that keeps pace with Global MBA environment. The management colleges should have either been accredited with one or more international accreditations or should be in the process of being awarded with it. These top colleges have a unique pedagogy and highly qualified faculty; the students at the best MBA colleges in India get consistently higher average placements year after year as they become industry ready.
The top ranking MBA colleges include not only the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) but also some of the other university-affiliated and private MBA colleges which are doing much better than many of the newer IIMs. The best MBA colleges and a number of IIMs have a similar fee structure, but some of the newer IIMs placements, IIM Admission process and the IIMs average salary in placement tend to lag behind in a number of these best MBA colleges. This exhaustive list of top colleges to pursue your management education from has been compiled after comprehensive research of MBA universities and colleges by our panel of experts.
Therefore, we recommend that first analyze as to what are the parameters which are important for you and then decide the college which caters to these parameters. Most importantly, you have to give in 100% to achieve your goal. All the best !!!
Have a look at the top B-Schools in Cuttack:

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