Transition Words and Phrases

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Transition words and phrases
Transitions are phrases or words used to connect one idea to another in a sentence or paragraph. These are used by the author to help the reader progress from one significant idea to the next. Transitions also show the relationship within a paragraph (or within a sentence), between the main idea and the support the author gives for those ideas. Different transitions have different purposes. These are useful in Sentence completion or Para completion question. They are also useful in Reading comprehension to understand the flow of author’s ideas. Given below are some of the commonly used transitions:
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Additive Transitions:
This kind of transitions are used to show addition, introduction, similarity to other ideas etc. They intend to clarify the idea given in the sentence/paragraph.
indeed further as well (as this) either (neither)
also not only (this) but also (that) as well in all honesty to tell the truth
moreover what is more as a matter of fact and
furthermore in addition (to this) besides (this) or
in fact actually to say nothing of too
let alone much less additionally nor
alternatively on the other hand not to mention (this)  
such as as particularly including
for example as an illustration like in particular
for one thing to illustrate for instance especially
notably by way of example    
speaking about (this) considering (this) regarding (this) with regards to (this)
as for (this) concerning (this) the fact that  
on the subject of (this)      
similarly in the same way by the same token in a like manner
equally likewise    
that is (to say) namely specifically thus
that is (to say) I mean (to) put (it) another way in other words
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Adversative Transitions:

These transitions are used to show conflict, contradiction concession, dismissal etc. They are used to present contrasting ideas.

but by way of contrast while on the other hand
however (and) yet whereas though (final position)
in contrast when in fact conversely still
even more above all indeed more importantly besides
but even so nevertheless even though on the other hand
admittedly however nonetheless despite (this)
notwithstanding (this) albeit (and) still although
in spite of (this), regardless (of this) (and) yet though
granted (this) be that as it may    
either way whichever happens in either event in any case
at any rate in either case whatever happens all the same
in any event      
(or) at (or) instead
least rather  
Causal Transitions:

These transitions signal cause/effect and reason/result, etc. They intend to connect the action to its outcome.

for the (simple) reason that, being that, for in view of (the fact) inasmuch as
because (of the fact) seeing that as owing to (the fact)
due to (the fact that) in that since forasmuch as
on (the) condition (that) granted (that) if provided that in case
in the event that as/so long as unless given that  
granting (that) providing that even if only if  
as a result (of this) consequently hence for this reason
thus because (of this) in consequence so that
accordingly as a consequence so much (so) that so
for the purpose of in the hope that for fear that so that
with this intention, to the end that in order to lest
with this in mind in order that so as to so
under those circumstances then in that case if not
that being the case if so otherwise  
Sequential Transitions:

These transitions are used to show a chronological or logical sequence within a sentence/paragraph. They may represent the starting, continuation or ending phase in a paragraph/passage.

in the (first, second, etc.) place initially to start with, first of all
thirdly to begin with, at first for a start
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subsequently previously eventually next
before (this) afterwards after (this) then
to conclude (with) as a final point eventually at last
last but not least in the end finally lastly
to change the topic incidentally by the way
to get back to the point, to resume anyhow, anyway, at any rate
to return to the subject,      
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as was previously stated so consequently in summary
all in all to make a long story short thus as I have said
to sum up overall as has been mentioned then
to summarize to be brief briefly given these points
in all on the whole therefore as has been noted
hence in conclusion in a word to put it briefly
in sum altogether in short  
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