Test Analysis, Strategy 2020 BULL SNAP 02

Overall Brief

On the whole the level of the test was close to Actual SNAP (latest changed pattern). The important thing was time management. One had to pick the easy questions and leave any questions which were difficult or time consuming.

Quant & DI
Easy Questions:
1-3, 6-9, 11,15, 17, 18, 19

The Quantitative section had 20 questions out of which 12 easy, 3 medium and 5 difficult questions were there. This section had most of the questions as moderate and easy. In this paper there were 2 questions from multiple graphs which were difficult, 4 from Permutation combination and probability out of which one is difficult and other were doable, 2 questions from Sets and venn diagram out of which one is difficult. There were 4 questions from arithmetic (Percentage/Profit and Loss/Mixtures/Average/SICI/Time and Work) were mostly of easy and moderate difficulty. TSD, Progressions and Logs had one question each in which question on log was difficult. Other than these topics, questions from mixed topics were asked like Algebra and Numbers which were moderate. The difficulty level of this section was easy and moderate. A good student could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting 14-16 questions with approx. 90% accuracy.

MBA Masterclass
Verbal usage and Reading comprehension
Easy Questions:
22, 31, 35

Question 21 was based on synonyms and was moderate. The next question 22 was based on analogy and was easy. The next set of questions was based on RC passage (23-26) related to ‘why Georgia’s elections could be make or break for its democracy.’ All the questions based on the passage were difficult except Q23 which was of moderate difficulty. The next set of questions (27,30) was vocabulary based sentence completion and were of moderate difficulty. Question 28 was based on antonyms and was moderate. Question 29 was based on idioms and was difficult. There was one question (31) on punctuation and was easy and one question (35) on matching parts of speech with the given words in the column and was easy. The next question (32) was based on grammar error and was difficult. There was one question (34) based on sentence rearrangement and was of moderate difficulty. There was one questions (33) based on main idea for the given paragraph which was of moderate difficulty. The overall feel of the section was moderate to difficult. One could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting 10-11 questions with 75-80% accuracy.

Analytical & Logical Reasoning
Easy Questions:
36, 37, 43-46, 49, 50, 54-56, 58-60

The level of this section was moderate. All sets were of easy and moderate level. Overall there were 14 easy, 9 moderate and 2 difficult questions. There were two questions on Mathematical puzzles which ere manageable. 2 questions from series, 1 each from coding, Analogy and verbal reasoning were doable. There were 2 questions from relationship and directions and 2 questions from Visual reasoning which were easy. 2 questions from Clocks and Calendars out of which one is difficult. There were two sets from Analytical reasoning and other questions are from reasoning miscellaneous and all were manageable. In such a paper it is important to first attempt easy questions and to leave the tough questions.

The set on Analytical reasoning (Four families decided to attend the marriage ceremony of one of their colleagues. One family has no kids, while the others have at least one kid each. Each family with kids has at least one kid attending the marriage. Given below is some information about the families, and who reached when to attend the marriage. ) was easy set. The other set on Analytical reasoning was moderate set.

The overall feel of the section was moderate and one could have scored 90+ percentile by attempting around 16-18 questions with 90 % accuracy.

Strategy & Tips

The overall feel of the paper was moderate, thus for the students who knew how to manage the time available to the best i.e. not wasting much time in lengthy and difficult questions, could easily manage an overall good attempt. AR and DI were mostly selective in this paper. As far as Quant is concerned most of the questions were from Number system, Geometry, Work & Time and P&C. The verbal usage and reading comprehension was dominated by vocabulary based questions in the form of idiomatic usage, sentence completion, analogies and vocabulary miscellaneous followed by one reading comprehension passage. In order to score well in verbal usage and reading comprehension section one should have good vocabulary, and ability to understand the context.

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