Test Analysis - Bull CMAT 05

MBA Masterclass
Overall Brief

On the whole the level of the test was easy. The important thing was time management. One had to pick the easy questions and leave any questions which were difficult or time consuming.

Easy Questions:
1, 3-25

Quant section was of easy level where almost all the questions were easy. The questions from almost all the areas were covered in this section. The paper had two questions of number system and one of them was of moderate level. There was one question on permutation and combination. The paper had 2 questions on profit and loss and they were easy. This time paper had 4 questions on approximation and calculations. The major area in the paper was of percentage from which 5 questions were asked. These questions were of easy type. There were 2 questions from ratio and partnership and one question from simple and compound interest. In the DI part, there were 5 questions on table and they were easy.
A student could have gathered 90 percentile plus by attempting 20-22 questions with 80 - 85% accuracy.

Easy Questions:
52, 54-68, 70, 72-75

Reasoning was moderately easy in comparison to Quant, having 21 easy, and 3 moderate questions. The paper had six questions on series and two of them were moderate. There were 9 questions of analytical reasoning. These questions were easy and should have been attempted. There were 3 questions of syllogism and they were easy. This time the paper also had 5 questions on coding and decoding and these questions were doable.
A student could have gathered 90 percentile plus by attempting 20 -22 questions with 80-85% accuracy.

Easy Questions:

The verbal section was easy to moderate. First set of questions Q(26-28,30-32,40-42,44-49) was based on reading comprehension. 1st paragraph Q(26-28) highlighted the problems with the Eurozone and reflected on the measures that should have been kept in mind while forming the same. All questions were of medium level. 2nd paragraph Q(30-32) maintained a critical outlook and described what was happening in Tunisia. All questions were of medium level, except Q 32 , which was esay, based on facts and tone. 3rd paragraph Q(40-42) highlighted the risks with franking and capturing carbon dioxide and storing it. All questions were based on facts and were easy. 4th paragraph Q(44-49) was a review of the book, Face Paint: The Story of Makeup by Lisa Eldridge. The author simply discussed the book and highlighted the various points related to it. All questions were based on facts and vocabulary. All questions were of medium level except questions (44 &45) which was easy. Set of questions Q (29,33) was based on complete para jumbling. Q(29) was of medium level and Q(33) was easy. Then Q(34,35) were based on sentence completion. Both questions were easy. Again Q(36,50) were based on grammar. Q(36) was easy and Q(50) was moderate , based on misplaced modifier error. Q(37,38) were based on synonyms were easy. One easy question Q(39) was based on verbal reasoning. One difficult question Q(43) was based on confusing words. One should do 19-22 questions with 80-85% accuracy to get 90%ile.

Easy Questions:

This section of the paper was easy. The section covered areas like science and technology, world geography, environment, history, business and economy, politics, finance and banking. Very less time should be devoted to this section of the paper. In order to generate a percentile of 90+ a student should have ideally attempted 18-21 questions with 85 – 90% accuracy.

Strategy & Tips

The overall feel of the paper was easy. Now talking of strategy, as a general rule you should not get struck in any question unless you are sure about its solution. Taking the Reasoning section, since most of the questions were single, thus do not get struck in any one question. If pattern is difficult to be deciphered, then move on to the next question and so on, so as to reach till the end of the section. The general strategy for Quant section would be to solve easier questions and leave all the questions which were difficult or time consuming. Talking about the Verbal section, the general strategy is that never leave a RC passage on the face of it that it is either lengthy or the language is difficult, without reading the questions given below as some of the question could be direct and do not require full reading and understanding of the passage. One should have a good knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to score well. Also one should read a lot to have hold on reading comprehensions from speed as well as accuracy point of view. GK section should have been devoted very less time and attempting only those questions which one knows.

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