IIM Udaipur Cut-Off

About IIM Udaipur

One of the nation's management schools with the quickest growth is IIM Udaipur, a second-generation IIM. The Institute's concentration on entrepreneurship, rural education, and global immersion are some of its defining qualities. Values and openness are the two fundamental components that permeate all IIMU-related activities. Following the CAT 2022 test, the IIM Udaipur CAT Cut-Off and Admission Procedure 2022 will be made public. Candidates who score higher than the CAT 2022 Cut-off must enrol in the CAP before the deadline.

IIM Udaipur Selection Criteria:

The MBA admission process for the institute consists of

  • CAT Examination
  • Shortlisting candidates for Personal Appearance (PA) process
  • PA process: The Written Ability Test (WAT) Process is excluded from the CAP 2022 Process. Besides, the PI would be conducted online mode. The PA process will be common to IIMs participating in the Common Admission Process (CAP). The exact date for PI will be communicated by the IIM Tiruchirappalli, coordinating Institute for CAP 2022-24.
  • Preparing the Merit List based on CAT score, PI score and Profile score.
The criteria for preparing the merit list will be as follows:
  • CAT Score: 60%
  • Personal Appearance (PI): 15%
  • Profile: 25%

CAT Score of the candidate divided by maximum CAT Score among candidates who have applied to IIMU and attended PI. It is clarified that the CAT Score would be used and not the CAT Percentile.

IIM Udaipur Cut-Off 2022:

While each college has a different percentile cut-off, which varies slightly every year, the cut-off for IIM Udaipur over the last four years has been between 92-95 percentile for the General category. For the 2022 session, the cut-off percentile is expected to be nearly the same:


CUT-OFFs - 92 (Overall)

Our Rating - A+

Test/s - CAT

Website - https://www.iimu.ac.in/

IIM Udaipur Interview Experience

Sectional Cut-Off:

The cut-off percentile marks for eligibility for the PA process in the three sections is given below:


Quantitative Aptitude


Data interpretation and Logical Reasoning


Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension






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