XISS Cut off

The Xavier Institute of Social Service or XISS was established as an extension department of St. Xavier's College, Ranchi, in 1955 with the objective of training young men and women in Rural Development, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. In 1973 the institute was registered as a separate educational society. In 1978, it moved to its present site and over the years has developed its own distinct identity as a centre of excellence in management education, research, and consultancy and development interventions.

XISS offers 2 year full time Post Graduate Diploma in Management courses in various disciplines like Human Resources Management, Rural Management, IT, Finance and Marketing and accepts XAT/CAT/CMAT scores. This year, the cut off percentile for XISS's various courses are as follows:

  • HRM - 66.36 (CAT) or 57.79 (XAT) or 73.31 (CMAT)
  • Finance - 45 (CAT/XAT) or 50 (CMAT)
  • Marketing - 45 (CAT/XAT) or 50 (CMAT)
  • Rural Management - 50 (CAT/XAT/CMAT)
  • Information Technology - 45 (CAT/XAT) or 50 (CMAT)
Total number of seats available in PGDM is 75 each in HRM and Rural Management, and 60 each in Information Technology, Finance and Marketing specializations. Out of the these, 50% seats are reserved for SC/ST and Christian candidates who belong to ST/SC category. For HRM, no cut off is assigned for reserved categories.
In the final selection, the following weightage is given to different components:
Entrance Exam Score (CAT/CMAT/XAT): 40%
Academic Record: 20%
Group Discussion: 5%
Personal Interview: 30%
WAT: 5%
Xavier Institute of Social Service , Ranchi
CUT-OFFs - 45+ Our Rating - B
Website - www.xiss.ac.in
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