The TAPMI cut off for interview is decided on the basis of number of candidates and their performance. One must clear the cut off before one appears in the second round. The competition after clearing the cut off is expected to be stiff as the competition is among equals. The TAPMI cutoff figures is declared after the CAT results. There are no major year-wise variations in TAPMI cut off. TAPMI cutoff figures are applied to shortlist the candidates based on their profiles and exam scores. One cannot be complacent in the second phase as one has to do well to get a seat.

TAPMI cutoff figures are be based on CAT, XAT and GMAT scores. Work experience is not compulsory but adds to your profile. TAPMI calls candidates for GD-WAT-PI on the basis of written skills and verbal communication besides overall suitability as a potential manager. For candidates with work experience of less than two years, the cut off figures are as follows:

CAT/XAT: 85 percentile

GMAT: 630 marks

Additionally, candidate needs to have a minimum of 60% marks in class 10th, 12th and graduation. For candidates with work experience of two years or more, TAPMI follows profile-based shortlisting. In the final selection, it also considers candidate's percentile in verbal ability section.

T.A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal
CUT-OFFs - 85+ (Profile Based Calls) Our Rating - A
Website - www.tapmi.edu.in
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