Executive MBA in India

One year full time Executive MBA programs are gaining high popularity among working professionals in India. MBA has become an initial step to acquire a well paid job. Though ISB was first to start the executive MBA program in India, today most of the top and middle rung B- Schools offer these programs. In India most of the executive programs require minimum 2 to 5 years of work experience after graduation. Typically, the course duration is 12-15 months. The fee for most of these programs ranges from 10 to 20 Lakhs for the entire course.

Admission Criteria

Most of the B- schools consider GMAT score along with some other factors such as quality and nature of the work experience, past academic and extracurricular performance, quality of Application essays etc for short listing a candidate. A GMAT score of 700+ is must for top notch institutes; however for the middle rung institutes one can seek admission with a GMAT score in the range of 600 to 700. Normally the shortlisted candidates go through an interview round before final selection. The application calendar varies for different institutes. For ISB and few IIMs the applications are invites 6-9 months before the commencement of the course.


The curriculum for EMBA provides conceptual knowledge and stimulating experience. It helps in improving the skills and widens the decision making ability. Generally, the faculty includes managers, executives, and high officials working in any organization or industry. Coursework form an important part of EMBA.


The biggest advantage is that working professionals can continue their jobs while pursuing MBA.

  • Every candidate has an experience. They grasp the concept more easily while implementing them in the real life situations.
  • There is diversification of knowledge, skills and experiences due to inter-learning among other candidates.
  • The number of candidates undergoing the course is relatively small in a group hence it improves sharing experience and building relations.
  • EMBA is less costly than full-time MBA.
  • It helps the candidates to increase their professional network.
  • It enhances strategic thinking, critical analysis and understanding of business in a truly engaging and collaborative learning environment.

Indian School Of Business

Zone - SouthOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 2 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.isb.edu

IIM Ahmedabad

Zone - WestOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation

IIM Banglore

Zone - SouthOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 7 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation

IIM Calcutta

Zone - EastOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation

IIM Lucknow

Zone - NorthOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 6 year full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.iiml.ac.in

IIM Indore

Zone - CentralOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation

Great Lakes Institute Of Management

Zone - SouthOur Rating - A
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT/XAT Score, Min 8 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation

SP Jain Institute Of Management & Reasearch

Zone - WestOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/XAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.spjimr.org


Zone - CentralOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - Medium
Test/s & Admission Requirement- XAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.xlri.ac.in

MDI, Gurgaon

Zone - NorthOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.mdi.ac.in

NMIMS, Mumbai

Zone - WestOur Rating - A+
Study Cost - Medium
Test/s & Admission Requirement- NMAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.nmims.edu

K.J. Somaiya

Zone - WestOur Rating - A
Study Cost - Medium
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.somaiya.edu

IMT, Ghaziabad

Zone - NorthOur Rating - A
Study Cost - Medium
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.imt.edu

IMI, New Delhi

Zone - NorthOur Rating - A
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.imi.edu

TAPMI, Manipal

Zone - North EastOur Rating - A
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 yrs full time work exp. After Graduation

LBSIM, New Delhi

Zone - NorthOur Rating - A
Study Cost - Medium
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 5 year full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.lbsim.ac.in

Adani Institute Of Infra Management

Zone - WestOur Rating - A
Study Cost - High
Test/s & Admission Requirement- CAT/GMAT Score, Min 18 Months full time work exp. After Graduation
Website - www.aiim.ac.in
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