Analysis: IRMA 2011

IRMA 2011 was following a set pattern for last four years but this year the paper had different pattern. Though the number of questions and sections were the same but the difficulty level as well as the marking scheme was different. Some new types of questions were introduced this year in English Comprehension (sentence starter etc.) and Analytical Reasoning. AR section was the toughest this year while QA section was dominated by DI questions and was calculative. Issues of Social Concern (GK) section were easier as compared to last year papers. Another major change was non disclosure of the marking scheme, though negative marking was ¼th of the marks allotted to the question .So It can be inferred that different questions carried different weights.

There were 200 questions (4 Sections) in all and the time allotted was 2hrs. The four sections were as follows:

  • English Comprehension
  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Issues of Social Concern (GK)
Overview of the IRMA Paper
Time allotted 2Hrs.
Total no. of questions 200
Marking Scheme Not disclosed
Sections 4
Number of choices 5
Negative Marking ¼ of marks allotted to the question.
Expected cut-offs* Attempt of 125-130 with a accuracy of about 80%
Overview of Different Sections
Sr. No. Sections No. of Questions Difficulty Level
1 English Comprehension 40 Moderate
2 Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 50 Easy-Moderate
3 Analytical Reasoning 50 Tough
4 Issues of Social Concern (GK) 60 Easy
SECTION I: Verbal & Logical Abilities
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Question Difficulty Level /remarks
1 Reading Comprehension Passage on Science & Religion 15 Moderate
2 Verbal Ability Sentence Starters 5 Easy
3 Verbal Ability Para completion 10 Easy to Moderate
4 Verbal Ability Cloze Test 10 Easy-Moderate
  Overall   40  

Evaluation: The major change in this section this year is the introduction of new type of questions i.e. sentence starter. The students took some time to understand the directions. Rest RC, Vocab and Grammer sections were of moderate difficulty level. Fill in the blanks were missing this year.

Comfortable Attempt: 25-28 questions (with accuracy of about 75%) in about 30 minutes.

SECTION II: Quantitative ability & DI
Sr. No. Area Tested Type of Questions No. of Question Difficulty Level /remarks
1 DI: Data Interpretation Line Graph (Banks A, B, C) 5 Easy
Pie charts (Teachers in different states) 5 Moderate
2 Data Interpretation Bar Graph (Product sales) 5 Easy
3 Data Interpretation Bar Graph & Pie charts (Male & Female students) 5 Moderate
4 Data Interpretation Bar Graph (Passport Offices) 5 Moderate
5 Data Interpretation Table (Expenditure in Universities) 5 Easy
6 Data Interpretation Questions on Percentage increase between years 2 Easy
7 Data Interpretation Table (Admissions) 5 Easy
8 Data Interpretation Table (Marks for students) 5 Moderate
9 Data Sufficiency Simple Math 5 Easy-Moderate
10 QA Probability 3 Moderate
  Overall   50 Easy-Moderate

Evaluation: Speed, clarity of the fundamentals of DI and immaculate time-management were the key to success in this area. Overall this section was moderate.

Comfortable Attempt: 28-32 questions (with accuracy of about 80%) in about 25-30 minutes.

SECTION III: Analytical Reasoning
Sr. No. Area Tested Description No. of Question Difficulty Level /remarks
1 Reasoning Deductions 6 Difficult
2 Reasoning Distribution 7 Difficult
3 Reasoning Seating Arrangement - Square 5 Difficult
4 Reasoning Letter Arrangement 4 Moderate
5 Reasoning Seating Arrangement - Circular 7 Difficult
6 Reasoning Coding & decoding 5 Easy
7 Reasoning Data Sufficency 5 Easy
8 Reasoning Odd man out 5 Easy
9 Reasoning Miscellaneous (Comparision, Arrangement) 2 Moderate
10 Critical Reasoning Inferences on "Plasma TV" 4 Moderate
  Overall   50 Moderate-Difficult

Evaluation: The student found this section the most difficult .A lot of questions was of arrangements (circular, square and letter) which were difficult. There were about 18 questions of arrangements A few questions of DS, odd man out and coding decoding were there and were easy. Right selection of question with proper time management was needed to clear the cut offs in this section. Students can expect lower cut offs as compared to last year cutoffs in this section.

Comfortable Attempt: 25-28 questions (with accuracy of about 80%) in about 40-45 minutes.

SECTION IV: General Awareness (Issues of Social Concern)

Evaluation: This year this section was much easier than expected. A lot of questions were direct and were easy. One with an average level of preparation could have easily attempted 40-45 questions.

Comfortable Attempt: 40-45 questions (with accuracy of about 80%) in about 20 minutes.

*Disclaimer:All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs. However, it has nothing to do with original cut-offs.

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