Word Clusters to Know

What are Word Clusters?
Word clusters are groups of words based on a common theme. The easiest way to build a cluster is by collecting synonyms for a particular word. The group of synonyms becomes a cluster which has one common meaning and for that one meaning, you have effectively learnt multiple words.
What is the benefit of such an approach?
The benefit of such an approach is: you get to learn group of words with the help of a single meaning. In the language of sets, for one meaning entered into the storage area of your brain, you learn multiple words. This can be labeled as effective usage of memory and that is what we require, don’t we? Also, the multiplicity of learning carries the bigger benefit of rapidly escalating your learning speed. You can learn a vast number of words in a very quick time.
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Let’s practice the skill of making clusters:
In this series of articles, we explore two clusters in every article. The two clusters will combine to teach you 10 to 12 words. The theme of the cluster is based on the common meaning for the words. The individual meanings of the distinct words in the cluster are also provided (with every cluster).
Cluster 1: Words related to the sentiment of something being boring or uninteresting
In this group we deal with words that are related to sentiment of something being boring or uninteresting. These words can be used in a variety of situations.
You can go through the words here:
  • Banal: Repeated too often.
  • Hackneyed: Overfamiliar through overuse.
  • Clichéd: Repeated regularly without thought or originality.
  • Mundane: Found in the ordinary course of events.
  • Humdrum: Not challenging; dull and lacking excitement.
  • Vapid: Lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest.
  • Tedious: So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.
Cluster 2: Words related to the sentiment of hatred
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In this cluster, explore words related to the sentiment of hatred. These words describe a variety of words related to the sentiment of hating someone. You can identify the ones that you can use in some context as well.
Go through the words here:
  • Abhorrence: Hate coupled with disgust.
  • Loathing: Find repugnant.
  • Disgust: Strong feelings of dislike.
  • Odium: State of disgrace resulting from detestable behavior.
  • Aversion: A feeling of intense dislike.
  • Antipathy: The object of a feeling of intense aversion; something to be avoided.
  • The two clusters above showcase how the method of cluster formation can be used for expanding your word-power. Use this method and your vocabulary database will surely grow exponentially.
Best Wishes!!
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