Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad

  • Admissions also open for Crafting Creative Communication (CCC) and Fellow Program in Management (FPM).
  • Last date to apply for MICAT-1 is November 25th, 2020.
  • MICAT-1 will be held on December 5th, 2020.
MICA Ahmedabad, India’s premier management school for Strategic Marketing and Communications, has opened applications for its 2021-23 batch of the flagship 2-year PGP Program (Post Graduate Diploma in Management – Communication/Post Graduate Diploma in Management).
This year, it has simultaneously opened the applications for its Crafting Creative Communications (CCC), and the 4-year Fellow Program in Management (FPM). Applicants who wish to participate in the PGDM and PGDM-C admission process will have to appear for an entrance exam conducted by the institute, known as MICAT.
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MICAT is conducted twice a year, and the better of the two scores is considered as a student may choose to write both MICAT I and II. The entrance exam, MICAT-I, will be held on December 5, 2020, and MICAT-2 will be held on January 30, 2021. For the CCC and FPM programs, an online exam will be conducted in January and April 2021 respectively.
Dr. Shailendra Raj Mehta, President & Director, MICA, said, “MICA has continuously evolved and adapted to new challenges to move to the global space. This year, we have successfully conducted our teaching digitally and have re-aligned ways to prepare our students for a post-COVID world. We also introduced a mandatory course on entrepreneurship that encourages students to challenge the industry head-on and understand how to operate in a new environment, where everything is uncertain.”
“At MICA, we look for students whose left brain capabilities are as high as their right brain capabilities, ensuring managerial understanding and creative intelligence. It is because of this difference that MICAns stand out. We look forward to selecting the new batch of nextgeneration creative problem-solvers, leaders, and managers”, Dr. Mehta added.
Dr. Preeti Shroff, Dean, MICA, said, “This year, MICA has launched exciting and campus programs in an innovative online format for enhancing student learning while addressing complexities of COVID times and impact on higher education. We are proud of the entire MICA faculty community and staff for their commitment to outstanding student learning experiences in the classroom, field projects, rural and urban immersions, industry internships, committees, and cultural learning. We have put in place advisory groups, including industry and global experts, for curriculum and pedagogy innovations. MICA has added entrepreneurship and start-up development programs. We will also launch Global Centre of Excellence for research, teaching, and case innovations in management, sales and marketing, digital transformations, customer relationships, creativity, and strategic communication. We wish well to all aspirants for the entrance exam and admissions process.”
Prof. Ruchi Tewari, Chairperson, Admissions at MICA, said, “'We are delighted to announce our admissions for the next batch. As over the past few years, the first Saturday of December, this year it is 5th December 2020, when MICAT-I is slated. Encouraged by the bright lot of students we have, I can only promise that MICAT, like all the years in the past, will offer an interesting challenge to the candidates as it tests their creativity and aptitude and assesses a candidate holistically.”
The application process opened on October 6 and the last date for online application for MICAT-1 exam for PGDM-C/PGDM is November 25, 2020. The last date for online application for the CCC program is January 20, 2021 and FPM-C applications will close on March 31, 2021. The GE & PI processes will be held in Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai in March/April 2021.
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MICAT is a computer-based test consisting of three parts, namely the psychometric section, the descriptive section, and an aptitude section which includes objective-type questions on Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability, and Data Interpretation, General Awareness, and Divergent and Convergent thinking. The details of the exam and important dates have been uploaded on the website.
Events Program Name Dates
Online Application Open CCC,
October 6, 2020
Online Application Close MICAT 1 (PGDM/PGDM-C) November 25, 2020
Online Application Open MICAT 2 (PGDM/PGDM-C) November 26, 2020
MICAT 1 PGDM / PGDM-C December 05, 2020
Online Application Close CCC,
January 20, 2021
Online email examination CCC January 25, 2021
MICAT 2 PGDM / PGDM-C January 30, 2021
GE & PI at MICA, Ahmedabad CCC / PGDM / PGDM-C March 9 & 10, 2021
GE & PI at Bengaluru & Mumbai CCC / PGDM / PGDM-C March 13,14 & 15, 2021
GE & PI at Delhi and Kolkata CCC / PGDM / PGDM-C March 19,20 & 21, 2021
Online Application Close FPM March 31, 2021
Telephonic interviews FPM April 6 & 7, 2021
Admission Test on campus FPM April 14,15 & 16, 2021
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