Institute of Management Development and Research (IMDR)

Established in 1974, Deccan Education Society’s Institute of Management Development and Research (IMDR) is a pioneer in management education in Pune. At present they offer two-year full time PGDM program which is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and recognized by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra. They  offer dual specialization, where students opt for major and minor electives in the field of Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, International Trade, Business Technology and Systems, Business Analytics and Entrepreneurship and Startup Management. Dual specialization and choice-based credit system ensures that learners are able to design their career in accordance with their preferred job roles in the corporate world.
In the current academic year, IMDR contributes to society 46th batch of management students. Over four decades of IMDR legacy reflects in the aspiring management professionals through their values, thought process, and decision-making.  A vast network of alumni spread across the country and the rest of the world echoes of a living, thriving and an ever-growing, well-bonded IMDR community.
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At IMDR skill development in students is designed to integrate industry requirements on one end, and individual learner's personality leanings on the other. Formally structured into curriculum, our skill enhancement initiatives have multiple facets, delivered through diverse pedagogy. Technical competence in sync with job requirements are balanced with soft skills training enabling development of high-performance individuals who are better engaged with their job roles and business organizations. Generic skill development is collaborated with domain-based skill sets to ensure task completion effectively within team settings. A multidisciplinary and experiential learning approach in skill development supports a holistic view to problem solving in the students. All of this follows the instructional system design methodology with a student driven campus ensuring that the learner drives the process and the outcome.
At IMDR the Management are supremely conscious of a world with ever-increasing unpredictability and higher complexity, and as to what kind of workforce do they need to have in such scenario. Consequently, they groom and train students who can understand and be aware of the challenges, but not be threatened by them, managers who want to break out of the mould and create opportunities for growth and not wait for it to happen, managers who are bold and entrepreneurial and who are skilled in application of new techniques and processes. It reflects in their commitment to crafting our academic environment as an interface between stakeholders which builds sustainable learning communities. Systematic efforts incorporate the outlook that there is really only one way to learn how to do something and that is to do it. This is why IMDR enable the crucial intersection of the traditional boundaries between industry and academia, which allows either side to crossover to the others’ space for structured engagement, striking a balance between academic learning and workplace experience.
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The academic landscape is fast evolving with multiple platforms for learning and wide variants of blended formats. Adding to the intricacies is the ever- increasing learner expectations and demands from their corporate recruiters. In this scenario IMDR promises to drive learning and innovation by crafting virtuous circle of interactions among stakeholders, thereby establishing deep professional ties of trust and shared benefits. Added to it will be flexible and agile learning environments which are inherently capable of responding to the dynamism in business and economy. At the core will lie, the preparedness of the learner to move beyond just "best practices" and familiar routines, and comprehend new and innovative ways to relate to their work contexts and perform.
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