How IMT Hyderabad Can Help Student Build A Career In Marketing And Sales Domain?

Students generally consider careers in the field of marketing and sales to be dynamic, challenging and exciting. Besides the required knowledge and skill sets, marketing students are expected to possess the right attitude, which would enable to them to handle the most demanding situations. A positive predisposition along with the ability to put in intense hardwork goes a long way in making a successful marketer. These are the major characteristics which the organizations are looking for in a marketing professional. Firms expect their sales and marketing professionals to be the face of the organization in front of its clientele and build its brand image in the minds of the customers. Career in marketing and sales has become one of the most sought-after for the management students as it opens the doors for a vibrant and stimulating career-path for them.
At IMT-H, the PGDM programs with marketing specialization have been designed to impart the requisite skill sets and domain knowledge to the students who are interested in building their career in the domain of marketing and sales. From the core courses in the area of marketing to the bouquet of marketing electives, students are offered an array of perspectives and domain knowledge application insights which enable them to address the contemporary issues in marketing situations effectively. The competitive and peer-learning oriented environment prevalent at IMT-H makes the students to develop the right attitude which is widely appreciated by the recruiters.
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Case-oriented learning pedagogy and application oriented projects make the students understand the nuances of marketing problems and enable them to develop analytical approaches to solve these problems. Internship opportunities provided to the students help them in applying the conceptual knowledge to the real-world corporate environment and make themselves abreast with the latest technical tools being used in the corporate world.
IMT-H provides the requisite environment for the overall personality development of the students. They not only learn to excel in their academic endeavours, but also polish their extra-curricular skill sets. By taking the ownership of functioning of various student clubs, the students enhance their managerial and decision-making skills. The faculties at IMT-H have an ideal mix of academic and corporate experience which enables them to make the students to not only grasp the complexities of the concepts, but also make them understand their relevant applications. Continuous positive feedback from the recruiters and alumni makes IMT-H believe that it is moving in the right direction in building the careers of its students.
Prof. (Dr.) Nitin Gupta
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